
MEN- Have you ever put deodorant on your feet?

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Yesterday at the gym, I realized I forgot my socks....which was no biggie since I was wearing Converse, and they look ok w/o socks. However, there is the 'sweaty foot' factor that I thought about...and didn't want to risk sweaty/stinky feet....or at least the possibility of I thought "deodorant on my feet" - I've seen this done before.....and so I tried it. Lo and behold, my feet didn't sweat and on my way home, I took off my shoes and my feet were dry and not smelly at all....and I was pretty impressed. But, after all, most deodorants are it makes sense.

Have you or would you ever try this?




  1. Try ANTI-PERSPERANT on the soles of your feet.


  2. I put some baby powder in my socks before I put them on. Keeps them dry and smell-free. It's cheaper than using deodorant (though I never tried) on your feet.

    You can put some baby powder in your shoes, too.

  3. hi mate i am 16 and i do that when i go sockess in trainers and it orks for me to

  4. Never have smelly feet:so see no need to try this.


  5. I've never put it on my feet since I don't have a foot odor problem, but I have put it in my butt crack. It works good for that too but eventually it will cause a bit of irritation there though.

  6. Umm...ok...I'm not sure

  7. I have used a cream deodorant that soothes the skin & keeps them smelling fresh longer.

    You can sprinkle a little baking soda down in the toe's of your socks to help absorb perspiration & odors, also.

  8. UM no ive never tried this

  9. o cooolll

    lol i neve tride it lol

    well that is cool lol

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