
MEN: If you don't like women nagging you, why can't you just do what WE say?

by  |  earlier

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I always wonder why men can't just make their lives so much easier and do what we ask them to do the first time. Don't they know that we would not nag you and fuss at you if you would do ONE of the five of the things that we ask you. Maybe it's because they are too busy on the internet, watching p**n, playing the video games, or just being LAZY!! What do you think?




  1. I hear you, girl!

  2. I think its a critical failure on the part of men to serve their spouses and a critical failure on the part of the spouse to understand the men.

    If you are reduced to using the tactic of a 2-yr old in order to get what you want... it shows something is not functional.  Don't you agree?

  3. HaHa I love this!! Star for you! So funny that we all got thumbs down!  Wonder who gave that to us!

  4. give em a hand and they'll take the whole arm!!!

    damned if you do, damned if you don't!!!

    why don't women just be satisfied with that they've got instead of yakking and yakking?!!

  5. I dont have to nag at my man he just does things like housework and cooking and mows the lawns- and he is an avid sports fan so he fits watching that in when hes finished doing what he needs to be done :)

    I guess i just got really lucky :)

  6. my husband admits to all his gamer buds that yes I do nag, but only about things I should nag him for. We are both procrastinators so I understand him not wanting to do what i ask, I even procrastinate nagging him LOL.

  7. I have always wondered this.

  8. lmao you just described all the things my husband does that keep him from doing what I ask him to do glad Im not the only one who has to deal with a husband like that

  9. Why can't women just follow 8 simple words to keep a happy relationship.  Here they are.

    Long hair, stay thin, s*x anytime, shut up!

  10. You took the words right out of my mouth. LAZY! Some men are so lazy. In my case anyway. When you find the answer let me know.

  11. Depends on what you ask. Usually women think certain projects are "easy". Well, if you think it is "easy", then why don't you do it yourself?

  12. I feel bad for you.  If your marriage is about you giving commands and him following -or- if it is about you nagging and him ignoring... either is a sad story.

    What happened to Giving and Sacrifice?

    And I agree with Sr_Engr.  Sounds like maturity tumps this silly question.

  13. amen!

  14. Wow, in your case, I'd say your man isn't obeying like a good dog because you talk to him like one.  Men hate nagging but more than anything, they hate being treated like some sort of house assistant instead of being spoken to kindly or with love.  I guarantee you, if you changed your attitude & tone, you MIGHT get a better result.  I mean, would you be willing to take the trash out if the person said "god, you're so lazy, why can't you ever take the trash out?!"  Instead, a person should say "sweetie, would you mind taking the trash out after we have dinner?  I'd really appreciate it!"  The way in which a message or request is delivered makes all the difference in the world.

  15. Men do not do what you say because for most of the time what you say or ask do not make sense. Learn to see things the man's way and most of the things will be done without asking.

  16. The difference of men and women are many but one is this: Women are emotionally attached to their social environment, but socially men think in logical let's say man wants to please wife to take her out for supper....ok so babysitter arrives baby sleeping women almost dressed ready to go and then women sees that baby crib leg is at this point they are running late for supper, women tells thinks ok thats something i must fixed real soon lets go....women cant let it go.....thecribs broken leg will bother her all night and in fact until it gets fixed but a man is not that emotional....yes he agrees and is in fact emotionally affected but he thinks that he can do it at a more appropriate time....logically he catergorizes things into files and it doesnt affect him...he can forget it until the time he said....BUT A WOMEN IS ATTACHED TO IT ITS A BURDEN TO HER IT BECOMES PART OF HER she a womens ability to instincxtively percieve things emotionally is a good thing when its in balance just like a mans logical sequence thinking needs checks and balances too......heres a hint for the ladys.....give your man sincere attention and affection without demands attached....and he will want to do for his family ...including you everything that pleases you that he can.  

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