
MEN ONLY !!! PT 2 not satisfied with part one answers ?

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why does my husband/men always brag about their wife to other family/friends on how great,and beautiful she is, keeps a picture of her in his wallet and show everyone, a tattoo on his inside wrist with her name, but he never tell his wife how really feels about her.

why is that? can you help me understand that part of my husband.




  1. he is one of those types that really care what others think about him

    that is normal

  2. Boy, that one really hits home. I use to do the same thing with my wife, and then she asked me the same question you just asks. I didn't really have an answer for it, but it did make me realize that I needed to express myself to her more often (which I did). Sometimes we take each other for granted, we don't necessarily mean to do so, but it just happens.

    If he loves you (and it sounds like he does), you might want to put a bug in his ear and let him know that it is important to you. The one thing I learned about women is that while it may not be important to me, it may be important to them. Once I knew it was important I manned up. Hopefully he will do the same.

  3. Maybe he doesn't want you to get a big head

  4. he is typicaly insecure about his feelings and doesnt want to apear weak or feminine in front of you.

  5. Sorry, missed part one.

    Maybe you're a just a trophy wife?

  6. I wonder if SHE tells him, how she feels about him? If he hears it, he MAY reciprocate.

    Also, some guys just aren't romantic. Some aren't that communicative.

    Best not to generalize - not ALL men are like your husband! I tell my wife everyday how beautiful she is/how much I love her etc.

  7. That's only your husband. I love my wife very much & tell her words & actions.

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