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Have you ever paid for it?

eg what the birds and the bees do

Did you feel guilty?

Do you do it regularly?




  1. one way or another, no matter how you view it, you are paying for it. and instead of feeling guilty, you should have feelings of buyers remorse.

  2. that 's nature

  3. Good Question.

    I personally have not paid for s*x. Nor would I. Even if I was not in a long term relationship.

    That said, By the time you wine and dine a woman it would probably be cheaper. The only draw back is the worry about catching STD's, You also don't need to worry about pleasing her, as it is all about yourself.

    I don't really see a problem with it, especially if your a ugly guy, a virgin or not great with women, each to their own.

    Did u really think some women would not look and answer the question?

    Probably checking if their other half's have commented (cheated).

    Same probably applies to Homosexuals, as well, but I'm not best to comment, have to wait and see if any leave comments.

  4. Now you know if you say 'men only' some girls are going to come and read, just as I did. LOL!!!!!

  5. no i havent but i have been paid does that count??

  6. I've always heard we all pay for it, especially if you marry them.

  7. this is funny. im not a man but who cares.

    im just wondering why anyone would pay for something like that. i dont get it. Theres tons of free kitties

  8. yeah, ive been paid for? good money!

    dont feel quilty, its a men thing mmmm...

  9. I don't need to. I have a gf.

  10. h**l yeah!!!  Just don't become a trick/john. I got game and pull a lady but every now and then I will pay for it..

    Bees lay sticky honey.

    Birds stick their beaks in the flowers.

  11. no. But i want do it. Why should i feel guilty?  

  12. have - not regularly only when drunk - some guilt but u get over it

  13. Do you really think you are going to get people to 'fess up?

    Edit: Surprised me!  And we all pay for it in one way or another.

  14. No mate, usually the other way around, the chicks pay me.

  15. Sorry had to have a peep at this question.

    I presume the pros are- get it when/how you want and having no strings

    Cons; Paying money, worry of catching STD's, catching STD's, feeling digusting afterwards.

  16. MJ,

    One way or another we men always pay for it.


  17. No I have not.

    I cannot understand men that do.I am not a prude,I just think that the "ladies" must be laughing at the "punters".

    I have the same view about Lap-dancing.

  18. I agree  with louise!! *thumbs up*

  19. Yes

    It's easy, safe, guilt free and no emotional entanglements.

  20. No i haven't and i wouldn't.

    Ok, I'm sorry but i have really got to say this, you should have more respect for women then to think it's OK to pay for it. Ever thought about the effects on it on the girl your paying or the girl who is supposed to be your partner?

  21. yer i did once its cheaper than the wining and dining and marage with a garenteed outcome but its just not the same so I couldnt be bothered again guity not on your life a roots a root

  22. y u wanna pay for it?? if you do thts cool but just remember tht if u want it use tht money to go out with ur mates and pull a bird, much more fun.

  23. I've certainly paid for it, you should see the state of the wife !
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