
MEN.. do you think WOMEN often expect TOO much for TOO LITTLE?

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Its strange how when a woman gives you her body, she thinks she owns you. The way I look at it... I ALSO have her MY body.. so we are even.

But it seems like many feminized women today think that s*x alone is there only job as a woman. And for that, a man should jump through hoops.

A classic example is the woman who expects the guy to chase her when he barely knows her. If I barely know you, what reason do I have to chase you unless I just want to bang you? Get it?

No more cooking, cleaning, getting beer, supporting your man and treating your man like a king, etc. Women don't want to do these things anymore.

Thats why so many men just "hit it and quit it" these days. Women don't want to EARN a man anymore... yet they expect a man to EARN them.

Do you agree? Do women expect too much for too little? OPINIONS PLEASE....




  1. Most women are REALLY confused about what they expect from men. Take the work place for example, they expect to be treated like an equal, but expect you to get the door for them too and are offended if you don't. They want equal pay, but are offended if they are "subjected" to men speaking in a manner that is very normal for men to speak. And they want to be respected, but will CRY if they are not. Women would be so much happier if they would let men be men and get over trying so hard to be "equal". Men and women ARE DIFFERENT and that's okay!!! Feminists have ruined it for everyone!!

  2. Mike T I don't know what to say, I hope I don't have a nightmare tonight..Ooops ,sorry this only for men to answer.

  3. I'm not sure you understand how illogical your question is.  I do believe you said before that if a young lady doesn't have s*x with you by the third date you are gone.    I stated  "that having s*x with strangers wasn't actually the smart thing to do".     You expect a woman to have s*x with someone she "barely knows" but its too much for you to take the time to get to know her as a person.    

    I don't think you understand what emotional intimacy is.   A relationship is not an owner - slave type deal.    If you marry you build a life together.    You don't marry to acquire a cook and housekeeper.

  4. Women expect way too much of men and do way too little to HELP men.

    For example, men are scorned and derided if they "pursue" a girl, yet women get offended if men do NOT "chase" them.  A guy is not supposed to be interested in s*x, yet if he's not, then there must be "something wrong" with him. Apart from the vast HYPOCRISY of this idea, there's also the practical problem - if he's not interested in s*x, why the heck would he be interested in a girl, anyway?

    If he wanted companionship, he'd get a dog; not a cold, withdrawn money grubbing aggressive narcissist.

    If he wanted entertainment, he'd get a TV.

    If he wanted security, he'd get a safe deposit box in a bank vault.

  5. yes the do

    and its sometimes unfair cuz they win every1 arguement

    even when they r wrong -_-

  6. what i think is that men want everything just like fast food:

    fast and cheap , or probably get one free!

    Yes , nothing is worth the chase anymore not men or women , everything has been commercialized . Good old quality relationships required sacrifices , but thats a red alarm  word for men i guess

  7. Good points and I agree.

  8. lol...This shows what qualities you look for in a woman!! How sad.


    "April the Great" is TRULY great.

  10. I think you don't see the reality of your statements. Women are not servants yet you are implying that's what we are suppose to be, sorry it doesn't work that way. As for the "hit it and quit it" thing that's how come we expect so much because you thin so little of us. daa.

    P.S. I never met a women like that so maybe you  are over thinking your opinion on the women you see.

  11. Unless you want to bang me? Isn't that the reason for the chase anyway??

    I don't own. I know that - I rent. :)

    No - I don't agree with your hit it and quit it assertion, nor do I agree with your idea of women thinking they OWN a man. No one wants to be considered property, but it is nice when you can say with pride, "that's my guy." The only thing we earn is respect. The rest of the chore list is smoke and mirrors for wanting a slave, not a companion.

    I think you forget that relationships require work overall. Anyone who wants to be treated like royalty is just fooling themselves with their own insecurities by projecting their "needs" onto someone else.

  12. Basically, in my experience if I get it together with a man they end up wanting to live with me or marry me, and I've had enough of all that.

    I'm not a maid, cook and chief bottle washer for anyone anymore. And that's the way I like it. I've yet to meet a man who pulls his weight. Most women end up being mummies to their men, at first men want to be pampered then they get used to it and let their guard down and show their real selves. Then they want to hide their real selves in s**y liasons with any woman they can get to drop their pants.

    Because it's all about the male ego and until men drop their ego they'll never be with just one woman.

    Now, as a woman, I am free to jump on the bones of anyone I fancy and walk away, no strings. If I choose to.

    That makes the playing field - even!

  13. Some women are like that. But, those are rare and most are the exact opposite. Especially feminists such as myself. Those were basically roles of women back in the 15th century. Women like that are far from the majority, they are basically gold diggers. I've never really met a woman like that in person, which shows you how rare they are. I for one am nothing like that.

    April the Great... you are so ignorent. Without feminism you'd still not be allowed to vote and would be sold as property and everything. Look, radical man-hating feminism is not good, but most feminism is great. You should be ashamed for being so stupid. It's a shame that so many men and women think like this still to this day. I'm proud to be a feminist and no one can tell me otherwise.

    Oh woops, this is only for men to answer. Ah well, b*****d, too bad

    Some women just have such a low self confidence that they will always go with what the "man" says and not think on their own and develop their own ideas and fight for their rights. Some women just don't realize how great feminism is and what it has done for them and where they'd be without it.

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