
MEN live shorter lives because of the STRESS women cause them?

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According to this article. Women outlive men primarily because women are so picky about who they date and marry.

Please give your opinions on this. Do you think the shorter lifespan of men is the fault of women?

If not... then is the "pickyness" of women the fault of men?




  1. No, they live shorter lives because of the bacon, the red meat, the cigarettes, the beer and the sitting around on their butts all day long watching TV.

    Women are much more likely to eat fruits and vegetables, watch what they eat and exercise.

    Sorry if reality hurts, but...

  2. Yes. That is absolutely true.  Not only is it the stress the women put on us, add that to the stress of working to support these b*iches who do nothing but spend our money and break our balls.


  4. Maybe I've been nagging way too much and I should stop, so my boyfriend or future husband can live longer.

  5. Hmmm, maybe males need to be training each other in 'resilience to pickyness' and grabbing those few extra years to kick back and sink a couple while channel surfing ... on their own ...

    Cheers :-)

  6. I'm pretty sure this is the case. Most men lead lives laden with stress and responsibility whereas most women have things given them on a silver platter.

    Just common sense, isn't it.


  8. Men live shorter lives because they tend to ignore (theirs and their family's) emotional issues.  They also go to the doctor when they have no choice rather than for preventative measures.  They also (unless they are into fitness) don't always eat well.

    Those are generalizations just like the original statement that men live shorter lives because of stress.  All statements can apply to most men/women and is a little outdated.

    Some women are far too picky.  What I mean by that is that they won't even engage in a conversation without the man having the right clothes, car, hair and etc.  If that is the kind of woman out there than every man is better off.

  9. my heart bleeds

    why don't they just avoid women and live longer then?

  10. no women live longer as a payment for years of washing clothes,cooking cleaning etc and raising children .we deserve it .when men can be pregnant and have a baby then us women are open for discussion on the living longer thing.

  11. g*y men and priests too?

    and yes, everything's the fault of women - we are all powerful and you better prepare for we are currently arranging the total destruction of this planet just to shut all the wimpy men up.

  12. Men live shorter lives because testosterone excessively challenges men, and because estrogen is a cholesterol-lowering substance, which extends women's lives.

    Women will only stress you out if you let them.

  13. I wonder how they explain married men living longer.  Perhaps they are not hanging around in bars with all of these picky, angry women over the age of 35.

  14. The article is SUGGESTING that it might be a factor. Men are more likely to get into fatal car accidents-- surely THAT is not a woman's fault.

    As for the competing-for-a-mate thing-- there are more women than men in the world, so we have more competition! Throughout high school many of my female friends have been completely consumed by the fact that they're single, never been asked out or been on a date, etc, whereas my male friends are a lot more relaxed. Some are lonely but it's not as important to them.

  15. Women couldn't possibly be plotting to shorten our lives...right? right?!!!??!


  17. sure seems like it.

    Women get to do more things and wear better clothing.

    But they sure don't know how to economize.

  18. Well Mike you seem pretty stressed and you don't have any woman...I'd say it has more to do with you spending time ranting on the computer and all this het up anger you have there...

  19. Nope, no, not.  

    I feel stressed out at times, and if I should die early because of it, I will put that blame on a few select people from both sexes.  Everybody in this world is stressed out at some point and takes it out on somebody they don't mean to, but I think it's weak of a man (or anybody for that matter) to blame early death and something that everyday people feel and/or have done at one point in their life solely on women.  It's all about taking responsibility for yourself and not blaming your personal woes on the world.  

    Also, some men are just as picky as some women.  What is so wrong with finding somebody who is compatible with you, and testing the waters before making the final plunge into the lovely institution of marriage?  In my personal opinion, caution in a relationship shouldn't be frowned upon.

  20. Na- I disagree with that. Men simply do more and break down faster than women on average.


    Yeah, men wouldn't need to do more and break down faster if women were as equal as we'd all like them to be.

  21. Live Science is apparently a very contradictory site.

    See the bottom part there where it says that married men live an average of 10 years longer than non-married men?

    Good try though Mike.  You'll have to find something else to blame us for....I'm sure it won't take you long. lol.

  22. hmmph - typical noob who likes to stereotype the other s*x.

  23. LOL!  I have to agree.

  24. I believe it.

  25. That's one of the most ridiculous reasonings I've ever seen. If attracting a mate causes enough stress to kill you, why don't you just stop trying?

  26. Men's shorter lifespan is due to a number of evolutionary factors. There are also social and contemporary factors, and some physical factors.

    Men get very stressed it's true, but not only because of what women do - work stresses them a lot. When men work together they find it very hard to cooperate - they fight each other, even if it is subconscious. Women are cooperative workers, in the main. Men are competitive creatures. Also, unlike women, they find it hard to multi-task. That is, they can only do one thing at a time.

    Women can talk on the phone, type a letter, organise a drawer, order lunch, reconfigure a computer, write a letter to a child's teacher and throw out a stale vase of flowers at the same time. Men can hardly talk on the phone and sip a coffee too. It's not that they are stupid, it's that their minds work differently.

    Men work much harder (gee I can hear all the women disagree... let me finish!) when men work, it feels hard for them, harder than it feels for women. Their work lives are full of stress and responsibility. When women take on similarly hard jobs and take on the main earning role in a family, they die quicker too, by the way.

    Now, physical differences - when men put on weight, they put it on around their heart more quickly than women do. They get apple shaped, women get pear shaped - that's a difference between life and death.

    Women are picky because they can be. And they get pickier with age, which upsets men, but it doesn't kill.

    Both sexes get grumpier with age, but women are more philosophical and patient, because they have had more physical changes in their lives.

    Hope this helps

  27. If only us womenfolk would start to love deadbeats then men could live longer.  Oh, if it were only that simple and we were nothing more than chimpanzees.  

    Men compete against other males for status among men as much, if not more than for a woman.  

    The article was pseudo-scientific at best and "the evidence" just doesn't add up.  Blaming a shorter life-span on women is a good try, and echoes "Original Sin" and "Pandora's box" as a big cop-outs, blame it on women, it can't be me doing something wrong...I'm perfect...

    a so new yet so worn-out excuse.

  28. i really think so, sure

  29. The article stated some reasons why women enjoy greater longevity, but they notably left out a very poignant one: women are more social creatures. We enjoy more emotional intimacy, and while this can most definitely be a double-edged sword, this also has positive effect on our life-expectancy, as those who have a strong social network and a high level of emotional well-being are less likely die from heart disease. That said, I fail to see how this article supported your correlation between pickiness in mate selection and longer life expectancy.

  30. everything bad that happens is women's fault,look at adam and eve,she took the friut first and cause adam to sin and because of her they got kick out of the garden of eden.

    but you're wrong about why women outlive men. The reason why women outlive men is because noone gives a f*** when men get sick,but when women get sick they try to find a f***ing cure for their f***ing illnesses

  31. I always thought that men lived shorter lives b/c they all had to work so hard (may be stupid).  In general, I think that the suppression that men try to have on their emotions just to look like the stronger one has a big in it.  Men may think that women cry a lot, but that's just a sign of strength to me personally, b/c you have to know how to show your emotions and not be embarrassed.   A lot of men are bad fathers (like mine) b/c they never show any emotion.

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