
MERGE!!! Gees.... Why do people merge onto the 70 MPH interstate going 40?

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70 MPH means most people go 75-80 with some people going faster.

So why do people merge on so slow?

If you are one of them please stop, I mean GO!




  1. where i live sometimes there are speed limits on the ramps to prevent people from going out of control and to prevent trucks from over turning. i'm not one of those, i speed up after i make the turn to catch up to speed with highway traffic. u need to chill a little u should have a little more patience when u drive and not take other people's driving seriously. if u don't like the way they are driving u can usually pass them.

  2. I'm still working on why they  BACK  onto the highway around here.

    Or cut you up the middle of the road.......swerve toward you head on to miss something insignificant on their side of the road .They like head on collisions better ?

    Pull out in front of you when nothing is behind you and they are going 40 MPH; bringing you to a standstill. Their only burst of speed is when they pull in front of you. HOW RUDE.

    Don't even start on cell phones and dividing their attention...........guy ran a red light at intersection....good

    thing I was alert. He would have gotten the side of my truck...he never even knew he did it.

    I can make enought mistakes trying to drive well and paying attention.


    Maybe they don't see an opening? It is tricky...they should try.

    I like where they have a lane to get into.

  3. This is a rant not a question...   And all vehicles handle differently, some tip easily so people may be more cautious and most ramp suggested speeds are 40 MPH, so not everyone is comfortable flying onto a highway at recklace speeds...  Some people like to see whats going on around them instead of not having time to think and just cutting someone off..  The problem isnt the cautious people but the maniacs that have no patience and are over aggresive.  No one lets anyone in, none uses a blinker (because we are all mind readers) people blare there horns because someone may hesitate at a traffic light , instead of a friendly honk.  Most people have lost there courtesy and feel they are the lord of the rodes and everyone should yield to them..........  Ugh.............

  4. Well, I find that most people who do that are afraid of that pedal underneath their right foot.  Most drivers with newer cars that have computerized controls and ABS brakes, could easily do 10 mph over the posted speed limit without any danger, as long as everyone is following the same rules of the road.  Merge doesn't mean the same as Yield, in driving parlance.  Many people don't know this and shouldn't be on the freeway.  Some states have posted minimum speed limits on freeways and turnpikes, too.  I believe that all drivers should have to be tested on high-speed roadways, as part of their driving test.  (Old folks, too.)

    Also, if you are going 70 mph, why are you in the RIGHT lane?  Are you trying to merge, and some idiot is in front of you, blocking your access to the on-ramp?  Ummm, use your horn, perhaps?  (Not your middle finger.)

  5. The on ramp is supposed to be used as an accelleration lane, so that the merging cars can match the interstate speed, and merge smoothly into traffic without disrupting it.

    I see drivers all the time just drive onto the interstate without looking, without any regard to the speed of the other cars, and doing distracting things.

    They are just as bad as those morons ON the interstate who brake to let them merge. People! The car or two on the ramp need to adjust, not the hundreds of cars in traffic.

  6. because sometimes conditions on the onramp force people to go a certain speed?

    You should relax.

  7. This drives me nuts as well. when my father taught me to drive, this was one his pet peeves. Always merge at the speed of traffic......unless there is a bone head in front of you doing 40. He pointed out to me that on most entrance ramps, even if there was not a space immediately available that there was no danger in driving on the berm a little ways.....never have had to do that though.

  8. They've got the "fear"

  9. Well, it's kind of hard to drive at 70 MPH on the ramp before you're on the freeway, isn't it?

    You need to chill out.  Get out of the right lane if this bothers you.

  10. because their cars stinks!!

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