
MEXICAN, people think im weird...?

by Guest59365  |  earlier

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EVERYTIME, i go to mexico people seem to know im NOT from there!

i mean dont get me wrong, iLOVE going there to visit!

but EVERYWHERE i go, i get stared at like im kinda weird or something, or i dont know what!

I live in southern cali.,and there are alot of chicanos like me, and everyone knows, even people that dont know me, know im mexican. like people that are from mexico and only speak spanish, ask me if i can i KNOW people, know i am mexican...

and when im in mexico, i speak mostly all the time in spanish

and im about to leave to mexico in like 2weeks!

any suggestions on how TO BLEND IN!




  1. Hey I have the same problem when I go to Mexico too (I'm Mexican) but it's because people know that you are American, it's nothing against you, but it's kinda the same as how you can sometimes point out tourists in southern cali. But if you worry too much about  blending in, the more you will stick out so just be yourself and if you have friends or family just stick to them.

  2. it is because you're mexican-american. you may not notice it, but you probably have a slight accent and you probably dress differently.

  3. Probably because you are good looking!  I was born and raised in Southern California and Mexicans like beauty. I don't like being stared at either.  I moved to Alaska because of career opportunity and the same is here too.  Actually the Native folks and I have similar looks.  I am Chicana and understand what you are talking about.  Just be yourself!

  4. Just meentales la madre. ja ja.

  5. dress like the locals do

  6. I'm also from So Cal (orange county) and I lived in Mexico for a while and my family there found my American customs so "cute", customs that i didn't know I had, like my spanish accent, i spoke very fast they said and i didn't pronounce r's well. Just because I speak spanish doesn't mean i speak it like Mexicans.

    Also the clothes you wear, if you have attention grabbing bling-bling, if you are very loud in the streets.

    Well, i went to live in mexico city, where people are always on the lookout, no one would walk carelessly there like we do here in so cal.

    PS. To blend in buy and wear clothes and accessories from there.

  7. You probably physically beldn in, but the second you speak spanish the locals know you're not from here. That's probably what makes locals here confused as to where you're from and such.

    More because you're a chicana (so mexicans automatically expect you to be able to speak spanish and know everything about mexican culture & customs). I'm mexican-american too and I'm fluent in the language (yet speak with an accent) and people regard me as an American foreigner no matter how many times I say I'm technically a mexican. The fact that I have white features with green eyes makes people believe me even less.

    At least you can speak spanish, give yourself credit to that. People here would be distrustful of you (in the best of cases) if you couldn't speak spanish despite being a chicana.

    I've noticed people in the wealthier areas of Los Angeles dress differently from people in Mexico City. Flip-flop shoes and tight pants that only get to your knees kind of grab attention. People that live in places in Pasadena don't drees all that differently though.

    You could always try catching as much slang spanish as you can while you're still here. Eat in street joints (hopefully you won't get stomach aches from that) and get familiar with all of the local food. I'd enjoy those tlacoyos and genuine tacos while I still can if I were you. If you could try to speak spanish slang, at least despite the accent people will take you in as one of them much more.

  8. maybe ur accent is more american then mexican...its easy to notice for a mexican

  9. Look when I lived in my hometown of Vancouver, we could spot an American tourist coming a half mile down the road: the loud tourist uniform, the accent, the lack of manners etc., much of the people in Vancouver superficially look similar and speak the same language but we act very differently, its obvious right off the bat.

    Now I live in Mexico City and I'm tall, very white, almost 60 with white hair and beard and people stare at me in the markets. But as soon as I open my mouth, they stop staring. I wear conservative casual clothes like local people do, I have the same accent as the locals, I speak very good Spanish, I greet people with the same manners as required, I use the same polite forms of address. In other words I blend in. Although one would think that my physical appearance might separate me, in the end, because I act like any other Mexican, it does not. (Once in a while someone asks me "Excuse me Sir, are you originally from Spain?")

    Its like a Japanese guy in a little town in the middle of Texas. Everyone might stare at first but if he opens his mouth and talks like a Texan, is dressed like a Texan, acts like a Texan, then everybody goes back to their business: "jest a funny looking Texan, folks, nothin' ta see here, keep movin' y'all..."

    If you come from California, then you dress, act and talk completely different than a Mexican, it doesn't matter if you speak Spanish or not in fact if you speak the language but act and look completely different, it will draw even MORE attention.

    You need to sit down in an outdoor café and just observe the locals. How do they look? Do ANY of them have huge florescent Bermuda shorts or shirts on? Are ANY of them wearing T-shirts which read "The 4 stages of Tequila" or "I don't have a drinking problem. I get drunk. I fall down. No Problem" ? Do you see ANY of them yelling loudly at the waiters? What do they say to each other? How do they greet one another?

    Even better, make friends with a local person and ask them to show you the local manners and customs, point out what you should do in social situations.

    If you are American, you are "dressed" for vacation, Mexicans don't really have a "vacation uniform" like Americans they simply "dress casual." You should dress like they do. Also if you are an American you are rude and bad-mannered, This is not your fault really, it is a cultural problem with your country. What passes as "normal" social intercourse in the United States is considered boorish, low-class and rude around the world, ESPECIALLY in a well mannered country like Mexico.

    You have probably rudely offended 16 people before breakfast without even realizing it! You (Americans) NEVER say "good morning" "good afternoon" or "good evening" to people you meet or wish someone "buen provecho" in a restaurant, You interrupt other's conversations continuously, you argue and contradict others automatically without even thinking, you don't say "please" "thank you" or "excuse me" EVER! you yell loudly at serving people as if they were dogs, you rudely push in front of people in line ups, you will argue with a starving street vendor for half an hour just to s***w him out of a quarter and you act as if only YOU are important and all others are simply human garbage in your way.

    I hate to say it but this is the common American tourist behavior on vacation and in almost every country on Earth it is completely UNACCEPTABLE. If you do any ONE of the above, your chances of "fitting in" are ZERO.

    As I said, find a friend and get that person to help you learn the local customs, then you have a chance......

  10. Maybe they just think your really pretty or exotic, or like the different clothing you wear. Admit it, when you accidentally get caught looking at someone, its because your thinking "I really like their hair/outfit/shoes or whatever. I wonder where they got it?" Its never usually anything mean, is it? (But we still feel bad when we get caught, hey?). So try not to feel too self-concious, if you can help it. They are probably just thinking "wow". It will be hard to blend in, 'cause you are who you are, and you can't help it. Just be proud of it. Perhaps you could buy your clothes when you get there and see what happens?

  11. moe peoples lawns and eat rice and beans.

  12. Maybe you're so pretty and that's why they're staring!

  13. It's because you're Mexican-American. They probably notice your accent. It could also be because they think you're pretty or they notice you dress a lil different than they do.

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