I am 22, I was at a Wall-Mart here in Michigan and I used the self checkout. I 100% honestly accidentally didn't scan a $13 item. When I left the buzzer went off on me. Not for the item, but for an ID for work in my wallet that sometimes sets those off when i forget to take it out. She had me walk through it again believed it was my wallet when I told her and she seemed really suspicious but she let me leave. When I got home I realized the receipt was only $12 and was missing the $13 item I had bought. I used my credit card and didn't pay attention to the amount didn't didnt really even think about it. I paniced thinking that they might look at tapes or something because of the nature I had to leave the store. I was also afraid to go back to the store because of the disparity in my bill I figured they would have thought I just had a guilty conscious and was coming back.
Anyways, I went back to the store and the same woman at the door was there. I told her what happened and asked if I could pay for the item. She said that "it was too late" (whatever that means) and that I could only do it if I brought the item back with the receipt. I did that immediately but she was no longer at the door. I went to a cashier, explained my situation and paid for the item and then left. Can anything happen to me or is everything ok now?