
MIC NO WORKIEEE! :(!! ? WHY Y? ='[?

by  |  earlier

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Right my microphone wont work, AT ALL, i have 2 mic (pink) jack slots at the back and one at the front making a tottal of 3.

I put it in either an all go to control panel and test them and nothing, not even on any of the outputs (MIC/ Auxiliry/ line-in and PDIF)

This is a normal microphone which is built into the webcam, webcam has a usb slot but a mic wire which follows off the same wire. It works on the laptop downstairs, i think it might be the software, as when i go to properties the only mixer device which is availble to select is sound blaster live 24bit.

when using your mic what "Mixer device" are you using?

And what could be the possible probolem it dosent even pick up one peice of sound, also its a self built pc but the USB microphone i had a few year ago worked fine.

Sorry for the long question but help is much needed! :(




  1. Right-Click on the volume icon on your task bar, then press "Open Volume Mixer" find your microphone and inputs and make sure they are not muted or faded too low. Also make sure they are not disabled in device manager (control panel > hardware and sound)

    Hope this helps.


  2. The computer wants to what type of device your using > headset or microphone, or usb ect.

    Right click on the volume icon on the taskbar > adjust audio properties > voice tab

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