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Ok I'm going in to middle school and I'm very scared. I was wondering if any of you reading this has ever had this problem ......... I have split parents. They both want me to go to middle school with them. I said that I would go to my dads since school let out but now it is close to open house I chickened out I am scared to tell my dad I'm not going to middle school with him. School starts on the 25th and i still do not know where I'm going to middle school at!!! Below are what i like and dislikes at moms and dads.

~ means dislikes and * means likes


she drinks and when she does she does she is really mean ~

if i go to school there i get to see all friends*

got 2 sisters*

middle child gets ON MY NERVES~

step dad always puts me and sisters down~

step dad drinks and has his friends over to drink with him

i have to share a room with 2 sisters~

(p.s. ill go to North Davidson Middle School)


have my own computer*

own room*

1 bro*

step mom~* (in between)

dad said he would put me in bonus school stuff (track and feild )if i keep my room clean*

i would have to make new friends~

i have own guitar*

none of my stuff gets messed up by younger siblings*

(p.s. ill go to Kernersville Middle School)

After all that which school do you think would be better North Davidson Middle School or Kernersville Middle School?

Thank you

any questions or anything email me at




  1. Souds like u would be better w ur father. You should go to the place where you feel more comfortable. It sounds like there is many problems over wit ur mom. Making friends wont be hard if u are a friendly person, just talk 2 new people at your new school and tell them u are new in town and maybe they will want to hang out with you to show u around. If your mom drinks and gets crazy you wont be safe with. I seriously recommend your fathers town.

  2. im going into middle school this year too, but im not too much worried making friends has always been easy for me.  If i were you i would pick your dads school.  Then you would get to make a whole new first impression and being considered as the new girl gets you a lot more attention and a lot of people are friendly to you.  Your moms house does not sound like a good place to bring your friends over too your dads house sounds more fun.  Good luck!

  3. un ur dads see im goin to my last year of middle skool r u goin to sixth hope u dont mind me if i email u and same thing with me my parents r split but its sometimes is hard and easy but you'll get used to it real quick um so email me back if u get mine


  4. Your dad's looks like a better option. But you shouldn't give out your schools on here, because people can see them and know what town you are in. You need to be more careful on the internet. I would delete this question if I were you.

  5. You need to get away from your mom and stepdad they sound like alcoholics! Definitely go live with your dad and don't worry you will make new friends. Maybe just go visit your mom's on weekends.

  6. i was in the same situation i chose  my dads cuz he has alot of money and would take care of me and my mom just goes off to her friends house and who nose what happens so i would be all alone and she would have to work two jobs where my dad owns a business so it was pretty simple

    If i was in your shoes i would choose your dads  

  7. You shouldn't give out so much information sweetie. Anyone can see this. But to answer your question, it looks like going to your dad's is your best option. Being scared is normal, especially with the fact that you have to make new friends but you will and all will be fine. Good luck at your new school!

  8. i say dads. making new friends shouldnt be that hard and youll still get to see your old ones and your ssters

  9. go with ur dad.

    If ur mom has and step father have friends over for drinks all the time u never know **** could happen ppl do stupid c**p when they're drunk.

    Yeah u may need to make new friends..but see it this way..u'll have ur own room and stuff..no1 to bug u and in the end u'll have double the friends!

  10. there is nothing to be nervous about and clearly your dads house is a better one to be at and dont worry because if you do choose your dads house you know you wont be the only new kid and eventually you will make some friends i hope i helped you out

  11. first of all chill out. Tell them you can handle going to middle school. When I went into middle school... i thought the 8th graders were going to beat me up. just chill... middle school is a cake walk. your freinds in 5th grade are there... so just chill with them. I was shaky when I was there. When you get there, they give you your schedule and locker combination. you memorize both in about 2 weeks. just chill bro.... your fine. besides- middle school kicks a$$. You meet hot chicks. Oh, btw, the "cool " kids are just a bunch of noobs. it is easy as h**l to be the "cool" kid. just beat up someone... and then s***w off and talk to people. Just chill-
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