I am 19 weeks pregnant and have had awful midwifrey care throughout my pregnancy, i saw a midwife at 9 weeks who never took my bloods and did not give me my much needed notes. I had to go on a later date to the hospital to get my bloods done at 12 weeks and then my midwife cancelled our next appointment and just forgot about me. I rang on 3 seperate occasions and finally 8 WEEKS LATER she arranged to see me. This appointment she did not even turn up for, no phonecall nothing. I made complaints to her supervisors and asked to switch midwives. 9 weeks after my 1st appointment i saw a new midwife, she then told me that it was my responsibility to book my 20 week scan and that i needed to be quick. She said that she would make sure all my details were on the system and that i should go to the hospital and book it asap. When i got to the hosp there was no details on the system and i had to wait while another midwife put them all on. When i went to the scanning departement they told me they had no free appointments for 4 weeks!!! Which would make me 23 weeks, i am not prepared to wait that long as i am not the one who has been complaicent and not done my job properly, i am also not comfortable with being cared for by midwives anymore.
Does anyone know what i can do, i complain and make phonecalls and it just seems like i get palmed off. Can i get the care i need without paying for it and what can i do about the scan?