
MIL being a huge ***** today,any advice?

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Well here's the basic's,My fiance's mother has no license,no permit,her car's not inspected. We my fiance and i don't have a car yet and neither of us have a license ,my fiance has a permit but i don't. My fiance's brother who lives with us has a license and it drunk most of the time. See the thing is we live 5 miles out of town (shippensburg,pa) and his mother is getting on our ***'s about getting a job when my fiance has a job threw a temp service but he wasn't told the start date and he called them and everything and they said as soon as they find out they'll let him know, Now his mother is deciding to be a HUGE ***** about everything,when my fiance's brother isn't looking for a job and this came out of his own mouth "I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A JOB,ALL I'M DOING IS SLEEPING AND HANGING OUT WITH FRIENDS" and this guy is 21 years old, my fiance and i are 18. My fiance's mother has the nerv to yell at us b/c she's behind on rent which is b/c she gave my fiance's brother money.

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  1. sounds like you know what you need to do and are working toward getting out of that house and into your own place.  i'd look into public assistance for the time being to facilitate a quicker move out.  get public assistance, get your permit, get your license, get a job...hang in there and get out as soon as you both can!  do any of your friends have a car to get you to the driver's license place?  ask them for help--friends are usually willing to help out in little ways.  your main objective here is to get independence from that woman.  when the baby comes it will only get worse!  in the meantime, try to ignore her.

  2. both of you need to get jobs and move out. no one can tell you what to do then. sometimes we have to grow up and take responsibility for our selves.

  3. Awwww poor thing. Don't you think you should get out of that situation? I bet your wishing you would not have slept around and got pregnant now.  You know the things your parents tried to teach you but you did what you wanted to do. h**l, your MIL was gracious enough to take you in. She is being hard on you because the world will be hard on you. The world is not going to just take care of you. You need to tell that boyfriend to get off his *** and stop waiting around and GET A JOB. A real man is going to do what it takes to take care of his family. Doesn't look like a real man to me if he is waiting around for some one else to give him a hand out.

  4. not my prob this isnt really a question either

    and move out then you little cry baby

  5. Ugh dont worry about her she sounds controling and annoying. Tell her in a nice way that she should give you a little space. Its none of her buisness to tell you and your fiance how to live your lives. So talk to her and your fiance.

  6. So how is it your fault?  It's 100% your fault!  You're legally an adult, you have no job, no license, and you're mooching off your boyfriend's mom.  What's worse is that you're bringing an innocent baby into this mess, and it looks like you'll be sticking out your hand to others to support it.   Perhaps  your boyfriend's mom thinks you two should be contributing more since you are not truly a family member but are living in her house, and you and her son are also bringing a baby into this very unstable situation.  Two parents with no license?  That's not good at all.  She may be trying to get you two to shape up before the baby comes, and I really don't blame her.  You two need to get your butts in gear, get licenses, and get a job pronto.  Then, get a car and a place to live immediately.  You have only a little over 4 months before that baby arrives, and you're not even close to ready.  So stop whining about how she treats her other son, and focus on growing up and being an adult for that poor baby's sake.  

    I feel so sorry for that baby; what a sad way to begin life.

  7. Ok, so let me get this straight. All of you guys live with her? And she's mad at you guys for not having jobs but not mad at the other son for not having one? Ok, well for one thing they are her kids. It doesn't make it right, but if wants to pick and choose who gives her money for rent and so on, then there's nothing you guys can do about it. I would highly suggest getting your license ASAP. While it's possible to raise a child without being able to drive, you're just making it harder on yourself and the loved ones that have to tote you AND the baby around. And yes, both of you need jobs. Even if you get some kind of welfare, that child will still need things that you're going to have to provide yourself. And if you're getting a welfare check coming in, don't think the MIL isn't going to have her hand out. You're just going to have to stay strong and keep on truckin.

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