
MIL told me not to nurse at night, because if I fall asleep, baby will suck empty b*****s and choke on gas?

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Can a baby become gassy because of suckling on empty b*****s?

She said the baby could even swallow air and choke on the gas or something like that.

She adviced to prop a big bottle (the largest I can find, to last until morning) of formula by the bedrail.




  1. have you got b*****s full of gas or summat? what a ridiculous theory

  2. Normally I wouldn,t answer a question on breastfeeding, but this one made me laugh.

    "Swallow air and choke on gas..?" - What a load of tripe...!

    Do what you do and dont let anyone tell you different. Its your child and your family, nobody elses.

  3. I am sorry to say this, but your MIL is an idiot.

    First, the baby is not going to suck on empty b*****s and choke on gas.  

    Second, propping bottles is a horrible idea-they CAN choke on fluid, and without mom there to help them out the result could be tragic.  Furthermore, it is bad for their teeth.

    Kindly thank your MIL but tell her you are going to raise your child in the 21st century.

  4. That's hilarious!!! Your b*****s won't empty! As for propping a bottle in the cot-hello, choking? Insane. Your Mother in Law sounds a bit bonkers to me and a tad filled with old wives tales!!!

  5. what????? that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!!  Yes, nurse your babe at night!  And no your baby won't "suck you empty and choke on gas."  

    Your b*****s are never actually completely empty.  A NICU nurse told me that when my son was small.  

  6. Your MIL is an idiot! But you marry the man, you marry the family! I  

  7. That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!! You should not be feeding a baby through the night anyways! a night feeding is okay but the baby needs to sleep so why would you prop a bottle up so the baby can feed through the night..makes no sense at all!

  8. What?  What gas?  What a load of rubbish!

    You do what you want to!

  9. I'm sorry but that's so funny. I've never even heard of that.

  10. OMG, now this is something new!

    Seriously, as the other have said, your breast is never empty, and your baby will stop sucking once he/she is full or asleep, whichever comes first.

    If your baby is small, it's best to nurse often. It's good for your supply.

  11. bottles in bed are more dangerous. your mil is a moronyour baby will be fine..I have fallen asleep while nursing my daughter and she is fine they will eventually stop sucking.  

  12. You MIL is fulla gas.

    Just give your midwife or doctor's office a call, they'll set you straight.

  13. your mil is talking rubbish,your baby wont choke on gas from your b*****s,they always have milk in them,and your baby will fall asleep as well so how can he /she suck anyway? and as for propping up a bottle for your baby to feed from thats stupid because your baby can just as easilly choke on that,tell your mil to keep her stupid ideas to herself in future!!

  14. your baby will thank you more in the morning if you nurse....

    Your breast milk produces more during the night and especially the morning... Your brain sends a message to your body that will produce that night feeding for your baby. Don't listen to that rubbish about baby sucking air - if the baby is sucking allot of air you have baby latch on  incorrectly....  

  15. That makes no sense what so ever! b*****s are never empty!!! They make the supply that is needed. It's MUCH more dangerous to prop a bottle til morning! First of all that is kinda neglectful and never mind the germs that will breed in that bottle! You should never let your child drink a bottle unattended! How will you hear if they choke or need help? I have nursed my kids at night, in bed while I slept and they are fine, 5 and 7 now. As if I was getting up to make a dang way! I just roll over, latch them on and go back to sleep before they even get their first good swallow of milk! Everyone wakes up happy and rested.

    I think your MIL may have issues...

  16. Ok well ur mil should be locked up!!!

    when bf your b*****s are never actually empty they produce milk even when the baby is feeding

  17. Your MIL is an idiot. Your b*****s are never empty when you're nursing, for one. For two, propping a bottle in a baby's mouth is not a good idea because it's bad for their teeth and doesn't help them learn when they're full, and takes away from the special bonding experience that feeding is. Plus, I would be more concerned baby would choke on a bottle in the middle of the night if you're not even in the room. It may be slightly dangerous to fall asleep nursing your baby if you think you might pull the blanket over its head or something, but if you're sober and not a heavy sleeper it shouldn't be much of an issue. I slept a lot of nights with my kids latched on because it was so much easier. Baby won't nurse non-stop for hours or anything. DO NOT listen to your MIL. She gave you bad advice. Furthermore, if you're nursing, why would you want to give baby formula all night? I can't even believe she said that. It is a good idea to begin teaching baby to go to sleep on her own after 3-4 months, but that's a different story.

    Nurse your baby at night, it's fine.  

  18. Get those upside down water bottle feeders that they put in gerbil cages.  LOL  

    That is ridiculous.  I'm thinking this is made up.

  19. Leaving a bottle with a baby sounds dangerous as the baby could choke or something. Who ever heard of b*****s having gas in them?  

  20. oh my god! you mean that b*****s can f**t>>?>?>

    *ish* I love them less now....weird!

  21. your MIL is a moron

  22. Almost funny. But still silly.

  23. your MIL is stupid. dont listen to her again when it comes to baby advise. ha ha FUNNY!

    look babies do like to suck at night. why not get him or her a NUK to suck on. you should not allow baby to drink while sleepiing. its messy and its a danger.  

  24. never ever prop up a bottle for a small baby.

    you are recommended to get out of bed to feed the baby so you

    don't fall asleep and smother the baby.

    please buy a book - i don't know if you are UK or speak health

    visitor - do not prop milk up your baby can get killed this way

  25. I hope you are joking, if not, your MIL is talking BS and giving you some very dangerous and stupid *advice* would you rather your baby starved?

  26. just ignore it....

  27. Honestly, did your MIL ever have babies? Wow, that is the dumbest advice i have ever heard.

    Of course not. If you buy chance fall asleep, the baby will continue feeding till he/she is finished and then  he/she'l either fall to sleep or wake you up to switch b*****s.  

  28. Ha ha, talk about an old wives tale!  If that were true pacifiers would be outlawed from all the babies that died sucking on them.

    You should nurse at night if the baby is hungry at night!

  29. That is so ridiculous! b*****s are never empty, milk is produced constantly.

    Haha I cant even believe people talk such rubbish!?! Quite scary really....

  30. sorry but your MIL is a nut.  There is no air in your b*****s, but there is air in a bottle.  The baby will not choke on air from your breast because there is none and besides the babys mouth will just come off your breast.  However propping up a bottle will give them air and because it comes out wether they suck or not, the baby can definetly choke on the bottle.  Also if you have a bottle of formula all night, the milk will go bad and that will give your baby a stomach ache and gas

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