
MIcrobes and the immune system test ?

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I got a year 10 science test next week and need help with this FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE QUESTIONS

Question 1

What is meant by ''Self" and ''Non-Self" material?

Question 2

Explain the difference between Specific immunity and Non-Specific immunity.

Question 3

What is the main role of the immune system?

Question 4

What is the main role of the Firsy Line Of Defence?

Question 5

Where does the First Line Of Defence take place?

Question 6

The outermost layer of most parts of the skin consists of dry, dead cells. How does this form part of the First Line Of Defence?

Question 7

What role does Mucus have in the First Line Of Defence?

Question 8

Name some natural secretions and the bactericidal agents they contain.

Question 9

Describe the role of natural flora in the First Line Of Defence.

Question 10

Explain how taking antibiotics may comprise the immune system.

Those are all the questions

Please I have a Biology test on Monday

Answer correctly




  1. Question 1

    What is meant by ''Self" and ''Non-Self" material?

    Self material is recognised by the immume system as belonging to the body.  Non-self material is considered foreign and so will be attacked.

    Question 2

    Explain the difference between Specific immunity and Non-Specific immunity.

    Specific immunity is when the immune system has made particular immune cells and antibodys that will ONLY target a certian invader, such as the Herpes virus, or the tetnus bacteria.

    Non specific immunity is when the immune system attacks ANY foreign "non-self" material regardless of what it is.

    Question 3

    What is the main role of the immune system?

    To maintain the bodies overall general health and resistence to disease.

    Question 4

    What is the main role of the Firsy Line Of Defence?

    To stop invaders entering the body

    Question 5

    Where does the First Line Of Defence take place?

    On the skin, on the mucous membranes (eg in the nose)

    Question 6

    The outermost layer of most parts of the skin consists of dry, dead cells. How does this form part of the First Line Of Defence?

    It forms a layer that is difficult to penetrate

    Question 7

    What role does Mucus have in the First Line Of Defence?

    Foriegn matter gets caught in it and so doesn't have a clear path into the body.

    Question 8

    Name some natural secretions and the bactericidal agents they contain.

    Saliva - contains antibacterial enzymes such as lysosomes

    Gastric acids - Acids and peptides

    Tears - antibacterial agents

    Question 9

    Describe the role of natural flora in the First Line Of Defence.

    Harmless microorgnisms that live naturally in certain areas of the body, such as skin, mouth and intestines tend to stop other undesirable and more dangerous microorganisms from growing there.

    Question 10

    Explain how taking antibiotics may comprise the immune system.

    AB's kill the natural flora in your body. This leaves the way open for other microorganism to start growing that could be more dangerous.

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