
MLB The Show Lineup help?

by Guest59874  |  earlier

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in franchise mode i change my lineup around, then when i simulate a game or two, the game automatically switches around my lineup. no matter how many times i change it, the game switches it back.

[the game must also be stupid, it bats alex cora third and david ortiz last against lefties...]




  1. I know !!!!! It does this all the time to me, plus does anyone notice if u simulate a game and then save it, it really wont save it just tajes you back to the last game u played what bullshyt

  2. that happens to me too i think you have to switch all four lineups and then just press x to save the lineup and it will be a good lineup  

  3. That happens when someone is of injury and you click auto utalize, you have to press triangle button and place him on bench and manually put him in the strarting line up, I know its a bia bia but it gotta be done.

  4. The game must be stupid, that's funny.

    Anyways, is this REALLY a baseball question, or do you think that it actually belongs in the video game section?

  5. this is the baseball section, not the video game section!!!!!! Ask it there!!!!!

  6. when someone gets injured the game rearranges the lineup by itself, when someone gets injured check the lineups and see if they are still the lineup that you want, also when a player fully heals that will rearrange the lineup as well, if you want the lineup to stay the same after a player cmoes back from an injury dont press "auto utilize"

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