
MLK's speech was for all mankind, not just men. What's worse in this election, race or gender discrimination?

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Hillary Clinton did more for the Democratic Party than any woman, yet she was snubbed not only by Obama but by many Super Delegates. In the end, Obama still needed Hillary's support at the DNC in hopes to keep her votes. What does this project for the Democratic Party?




  1. I am not sure why you say Hillary was snubbed by Obama.  I know of nothing like that.  As to selecting a VP, he has made a good choice.  There are so many people - Republicans who do discriminate on both gender and race that we need to get together and be united on the issues.  right now Obama won the primary election so he will be the candidate.  And Hillary sincerely does not want McCain elected as it will be  4 more years of the same thing we have had and it is killing us.  We don't ant a 3rd term for Bush in the form of McCain.  She did an excellent job in proposing he be selected by acclamation -- wouldn't have made a difference anyway and she is for him rather than McCain.

    Actually her husband did a great job too, of saying that they called him inexperienced when he was elected.  He had never been a senator before, even, and yet he did a fantastic job.  Well, he agrees that Obama would be better than McCain.  Many of us wish it could be Hillary in there, but it is not and we need to vote for the next best person, and that is Obama.  I think Biden had it down well when he said, "Obama was right.  McCain was wrong" on some issues that have come up.  He is really good at foreign affairs and Obama needs to have good people around him to advise him and to make this presidency a great one.  I think Hillary and Bill Clinton would do that.  They may well have had a hand in selecting Biden as well.  So the Party is doing well and I sure will be voting for Obama in November.

  2. None of the above.

    The dishonesty is worse.

  3. What's worse in this election, race or gender discrimination?



  5. Read Archibald Cary's national convention speech from 1954 I believe, and compare it to MLK Jr's "I have a dream" speech.... coincidence, isn' it.

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