
MLM Business I am looking for partners, but I dont know where to look HELP!?

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I started in MLM, I love it! But I need to attract more people to the product and my website or even to the business, any ideas how to do this? I dont really have any money to spend towards advertising right now, so is there anything thats free?




  1. Look into affiliate programs and see who might come along with you.

  2. wat she said

  3. Take a look at

    It's a website marketing system with lots of great tools, such as landing pages, a flash presentation site, plus they will teach you a lot about marketing your business online. My MLM business has benefitted greatly from using this system. Check it out.

  4. most people are burned out on MLM's from being pestered by friends who did Amway

  5. You need to try a product launch!

    Why, it can be done very cheap and is very easy.

    I learned alot by watching the videos of jeff walker. His product is not on the market at the moment but i learned enough from his free videos. VERY POWERFUL STUFF!

    Enjoy and Best of Luck!

  6. Congrats! It is good to see you are passionate. I would strongly suggest  that you study who your target market is and how to position your self in front of them. There are many ways to do that on the net without spending money for advertising. One great way is to participate in forums that are relative to your business. Avoid spamming. It does not produce good results. If you participate in forums, many caution against spamming. Many will allow you to give information in your profile where people can go naturally to find out more about you. Another great thing for you to do is study the industry and the marketing techniques that work and the ones that do harm for your business. I would be happy to share some tips. You can also find some helpful links to mlm facts and tools in my profile page here on Yahoo Answers.

    Best Regards!

  7. I know of a company where you can get your website viewed for FREE,  of course if you have a good website then people will want to find out more about your opportunity and/or your product.  In exchange of your having your website viewed you get to view other websites.  You can also buy advertising on the site too but it is not required.  If you do purchase advertising you will also earn money on what you purchase.

    You can earn125% of what you purchase.  So if you purchase

    $100 in advertising you can earn $125.  So you are actually getting paid to advertise.  You can find out more at  

    I have done my due diligence on the company and they have been in business for 1.5 year.  They have 40,000 member and plan to grow to 1,000,000 people.  

    I hope this helps

  8. I'm in the same predicament :O).

    I've gone the route of e-mailing my site to everyone I can think of that I know, with a note to please forward on.    Also, you can try to list with the majot search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc.  There are links to pages that show you, step by step, how to do so.  The process takes a few weeks (for them to find you and list you), but it is worth it.

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