
MMA Training Question

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I found a MMA training facility which is great because I like fighting, but is it only restricted to men only? Do they allow women there?




  1. let me get this straight:

    you found a place near you.... and you're asking US if it allows women?

    Have you tried picking up the phone?

  2. Well if it is only restricted ot men only, as you say, then, no. That's what it means by being restricted to men only. No offense to women, it is probably because allot of MMA (mixed martial arts) schools are heavily focused on ground fighting. And they are unsure of their male students.. being able to... uhh...mmm.. control?... themselves on the mat while rolling around with a female.

    Sorry, but you'll have to look for another gym.

  3. ........Well yes ofcoarse all places should accept men or women. They're are alot of female fighters out there
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