
MMA fighters living, and coaches, etc?

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While fighters in UFC are paid peanuts how do they afford to live? Pay all there coaches and trainers?




  1. People by there stuff, and sponcers like TAP OUT and XYENCE.

  2. Sponsors.

  3. I've stated this before, but I will state it again.  A MMA pro is going to make the majoiry of his money from appearances at "amateur events" where amateur promoters will have big names like Frankiln and Hughes come into to either ref a few of their fights or maybe just show up for autograph signings.  "Sinsiter Angel Cages" which is a huge corporate benefactor of the UFC offers "UFC Fighters" a precentage of the $20,000 sometimes higher depending on fighter name marketablity funds that they get for offering these fighters with cage rental.  If you have a decent relationship with "Sinister Angel Cages" as a promoter and you have your own cage you can still get these fighters for a heafty fee.  UFC fighters will also make a decent living from seminars that charge parents big bucks in order to have their "Ivy League" kids taught martial arts by a pro cage fighter over a three day weekend.  Commercials of course are somewhat of a help, but not much to people such as Ttio Ortiz and Rich Franklin.  Every dime counts though.  Then there are the fighters like Matt Serra that open up multiple schools and make a decent living off of there celebrity.  As far as trainers by law the Nevada Athletic Commission only allows a trainer 20% of the fighters take home for the fight the trainer shows up at with the fighter and the fight only the trainers are not entitled to the fighters appearance money or any of his commercial sponsorship endorcement money.  A fighter spends way more time traveling than most "fans" realize in order to make these appearances and they can make up to two or three appearances in one night depending on their assistances' time mangement skills.  

    It's kind of a pretty crappy way to make a living knowing that the actual fights in the cage are making Zuffa Entertainment so much money .... this was and still is Tito Ortiz's big gripe and who can blame him?

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