I mean, sure the cow was once alive and probably suffered a lot in the slaughterhouse and the sickdaddy farm it was bred in. Man, you know, I wish I had some veal. Nothin' tastes better than a baby male cow ripped from it's mother right after birth and forced to live in a tiny cage and then mercilessly killed when it was a few months old. Or what about some chicken noodle souP? Nevermind that the meat comes from old laying hens who lived disgusting lives in tiny battery cages so small they can't live their wings. Nevermind all the pain and suffering they went through.
Or what about some porkchops or bacon? There's nothing I like better than sittin' down for a meal of a very intelligent animal, smarter than the average 4 year old human. I mean, it'd probbaly eat a four year old human if it tasted good! I mean, what's the difference? Both were alive! If they taste good, I should eat them, nevermind all their needless suffering!!
What about you?