
MMR shots!!??

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my 1yr old baby boy got his MMR shots about a week he's running a low fever (100.5) which i'm pretty sure is normal.....about how long will the fever last? it's been off and on about 4 days now. he's just whiney and i'm ready for him to feel better.




  1. 100.5 fever in a 1 year old doesn't necessarily need medication.  Speak with your pediatrician and see what they recommend.

    My ped never recommends tylenol or motrin for any fever under 102.

  2. if it has been a week since his shots I would be taking him to the doctor. It may be something else unrelated to the MMR

  3. just keep your child cool and dont be afraid to have windows open to let breeze in. my son was moany for a couple of weeks after it does pass. however dont put your child in cool bath as bringing temperature down to quickly can cause other problems just keep water normal for him

  4. if a fever persists after 3 days, time to go to the doctor

  5. Use infant medicine to control the temperature for as long as needed, keep him in a cool bath and cool clothes and bedding at night, if it doesnt get better soon i would see your gp :)

  6. chances are it is not related to the mmr shots after a week, but i would give him baby tylenol, i am not a doctor or a nurse, but i do have 4 kids, my kids would sometimes get a fever the next day but never longer than that.  do not give tylenol more than the number of days specified on the box, but if the fever lasts more than 3 days, give your pediatrition a call just to be safe.

    thank you i hope this helps

  7. When my son had those shots he ended up with a fever that night. I gave him some baby tylenol and let him sleep. Rest, hydration, and some baby tylenol. Just don't overdue the medicine.

  8. My son runs a slight fever also with the shots, meds are not necessary. As long as it isnt climbing, his body is just fighting of the live virus. I would call your peds office and talk to a nurse to see what they recommend...especially if it doesnt go away in a day or so

  9. i have 3 kids, and with the mmr shots one of them was sick about a week later, and swelled up where the shot was. i just gave her the tylenol for a couple days till it tapered off, if the fever lasts another day it could be something else.
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