
MODERATE [Spam?]. Normally, message sent to our group sites are easily received but not for last 2 days.?

by  |  earlier

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I as moderator has to approve all the messages sent by our own group members. Why? This is happening espacially for last two days.




  1. Could be that the spamguard is treating some of the messages as spam.  The other possibility is that the owner (if it's someone else that owns the list) could have set the list up so that all new members (if applicable) are moderated for a time before they are allowed to send messages to the list withut needing approval from moderators and owners.

    The other possibility is that this could be a technical difficulty going on.  I would recommend getting in touch with the owner as well to see what they think might be going on.  If it is a technical difficulty they will try to get a hold of Yahoo Groups Tech to have them try to help figure out what is going on.

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