
MOMS: A few questions on Breastfeeding?

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I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant and a couple of weeks ago, my b*****s began to leak which I know is normal. I seem to leak alot, especially if I don't wear a bra, does this mean that if I have a lot of milk now I will have a lot for the baby?

Also, how painful is breastfeeding? What are some important things to remember? Any tips?




  1. Breast feeding should not be painful.  One bad latch and it will hurt for a while but hang in there.  Lansinoh makes a good nipple cream if things get a little chapped.  A little goes a long way and it'll make it easier to get through if things start to hurt.

    If you plan on pumping and using bottles try and find a harder nipple.  Advent is a good one as well as others.  Avoid the sort of softer "lazy baby" nipples. A baby sometimes takes a preference to the easiness of it and then won't suckle hard enough on the breast and eventually reduce your milk supply.  

    As far as position, this was a big one for me.  Traditional cradle in the arms didn't work until she was much older.  The football hold worked well for us as did laying down on my side.  You will have to experiment and try different positions and just figure out what works for you.

    Just hang in there, you are both learning something new.  The first 4 weeks or so are the hardest.  It's so worth it.

  2. You will have a lot of milk or the first month or so, or should I say, an neverending flow of milk supply!! Your body will start to regulate production based on how much your little man's going to eat (Congrats! Little boys are amazing!) Breastfeeding was painful for me at first. The first week is the hardest, then everything eases up. Breastfeeding also takes a lot of work between you and baby, bc you're both learning what to do! I purchased a Boppy, and it was great. It worked a lot better than pillows. Eventually I started laying on my side. Thats was the most comfortable position for baby and me. Take advantage of the lactation consultants at the hospital; if it wasn't for them, I wouldnt have a clue. If you get fusterated, keep at it!! It's hard work, but well worth it!!

  3. Your b*****s will produce colostrum at first, which won't seem like much, but it is all that a newborn baby needs in the first days of it's life.  Nurse your baby often, and on demand, and your milk supply will come in exactly when it's supposed to.  Some women take a bit longer than others, and this is fine.  Don't feel like your milk should be in by day X just because someone else's was.  Mine took a week.  I was getting panicky, but once it came in, it was like a tidal wave hit my b***s.

    You will have plenty of milk for your baby.  It will be abundant at first, and then it will regulate itself to your babies needs.  If breastfeeding is painful, something is going wrong, and you should work to correct it with a lactation consultant before you leave the hospital.

    If I could go back and do anything differently, I would have demanded to nurse my babies immediately after birth.  With both, I waited, oh, 20-30 minutes while the nurses cleaned me and the babies up, stitched me, etc.  I regret that.  From what I've learned, the first moments of life is crucial to establishing a good latch.  Eye drops and all that monkey business can wait.

    All the best- congrats on your pregnancy and decision to breastfeed.

    Oh, and I hate it when people get thumbs down in my questions.  There is definitely a thumbs-down fairy floating around this section, and it's pretty pathetic.

  4. The hospital staff will show you how to latch your baby on properly, and won't mind going over it a few times for you.

    When i first started breastfeeding it was quite painful for a minute or so at each feed, but it does go after the first couple of days.  I would recommend you have some good nipple cream to hand as this will help endlessly. Good luck


  5. I don't think the leaking at this point has any indication to what your milk supply will be, but at least it's a sign everything's normal so far ! :-)

    Anyway, personally I found breastfeeding painful the first 2 weeks because my nipples became "bruised" somewhat and cracked- cracked is the worse! But thankfully I was on pain meds from the c-section which helped me get through the hardest times. Hopefully it won't be like that for you. But even if it is painful at first, just keep going- it gets wayyyy better. Now it's been almost 4 and a half months and it is been completely painless ever since that initial 2 weeks. I'm sure for some women it's painless from the get-go.

    They have special nipple creams (with pure lanolin) which can help if you have any cracking or dryness.

    Good luck and congrats!

  6. The leaking is a consquence of your changing hormones- I began leaking at 20 weeks. When your baby is born, you will produce colostrum at first, and your milk will take a few days to come in properly. It works on a supply and demand basis though, the more your baby nurses, the more you will produce.

    For some, breastfeeding is very painful at first. Due to lack of information, I sturggled with toe-curling pain for the first 6 weeks, because the latch wasnt correct. Ordinarily breastfeeding shouldnt be painful, it is all down to getting the right latch. My advice is to do your research beforehand, seek professional advice on latching is you do struggle, and do not supplement with bottles due to fear your baby isnt getting enough! Many many mothers do this, when there is no actual need, and the consequence is that their baby nurses less, so they do start to produce less, and the cycle continues until eventually they give up thinking that they 'couldnt produce enough milk'.

    Just remember, we are designed to breastfeed- trust your body, and enjoy the amazing, unparalleled bond that it brings!  

  7. Yep, that's your milk coming through.  

    Breastfeeding isn't painful.  And if it hurts at first, just try different possitions until you're comfortable.

    Good Luck :]

  8. All I can really tell you about leaking in relation to milk supply is that I leaked quite a bit with my third baby--when I didn't at all with the first two--and she is still VERY successfully nursing at age 13 months.

    Whether or not it hurts seems to be one of those, "different for every woman" issues.  The key is to make sure the baby latches on properly, I think.  There should be a lactation consultant available at the hospital who can help you make sure you know what you're doing.  My second and third babies latched right on, first try, no problem.  The first one needed a little coaxing.  It seemed like a LOT of coaxing at the time, though.  Just be patient, even though with all the fatigue and emotions of being a new mom, that is extremely difficult to do.  It may take a little time at first to get things going, but your baby will be okay, and much better off in the long run if you stick it out.  Hopefully you'll be lucky and get a natural nurser!!

    Good luck!!

  9. My son took to the breast for 2 weeks, latched on in the hospital but he was jaundiced so we had to give him water and that is when he realized bottles are easier and has used them ever since. now on the other hand with my twins i did breastfeed them. Breastfeeding is not painful until they get teeth then it hurts if they bite. My tip is to football hold the baby about 10 minutes before each feeding and let your little one know that you are there, from there you then let the nipple touch his lips once he start "rooting" for it and just alternate. It is more easy than people make it out to be, just be comfortable and your little one will be as well.

  10. The leaking is definitely a good sign that you'll have plenty.  But then I didn't leak at all and was fine too.  breastfeeding isn't painful as such, just uncomfortable for the first couple of weeks.  My nipples got sore, cracked and bled but by the time my daughter was 2 weeks old they were healed and fine and 11 months on she's still breastfeeding.  Just hang in there, it is so much better for your baby and easier for you both to breastfeed, ignore anyone who says you're doing the wrong thing/stares at you and just feed on demand.  Congratulations and good luck!

  11. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but it must be a good thing. Your baby wont have to work too hard for it and at least you no he will be getting milk.

    Some people find breast feeding painful as they are quite sensitive, i found it to be very good and painless. It was the best thing. If you are finding it a little pain full your baby may not have latched on correctly. It just takes practice.

    All the best aaliyah

  12. Well my midwife told me that the amount you leak has no bearing on the amount you produce and that your b*****s will never actually be empty until you dry up.

    And with breastfeeding 'if it hurts, bubs isnt latched correctly' There will always be abit of 'discomfort' but it shouldnt hurt. So if it does ask a lactation consultant for some advice.

    But your let down may hurt, for some people describe it as a burning feeling and that may never go away.....

  13. Well, your milk really hasn't come in yet, and won't for a day or so after you give birth.  What you're seeing right now is colostrum, which is a thicker and richer form of breastmilk that is loaded with things to boost the baby's immune system.  It's slightly yellow in color, and so important to the baby that it is often called "liquid gold".

    Breastfeeding is normally not painful at all.  All the moms I know never had pain, unless they got an infection.  Normally, you only have pain if the baby is not latching on correctly.

    Personally, I had severe pain for the first two months.  Despite help from a lactation consultant, and a proper latch, I just had really sensitive nipples and areolas.  But I was determined to give my baby the best (which is breastmilk) for at least a year, and I would have walked through fire to do it.

    I kept at it, despite the pain.  After a couple of months, it didn't hurt anymore.  I ended up nursing both my kids for just over 2 years each.

    Important things to remember:

    Don't just automatically give up if things aren't like you expected.  Contact a lactation consultant if you need help.

    Drink plenty of water.  

    The AAP recommends nursing for a MINIMUM of one year, the WHO recommends a minimum of two years.  

    Don't start solids until the baby is at least 6 months old.  

    There is no need for a breastfeeding mom to use formula.

    You can (and should) breastfeed when you are sick, and when the baby is sick.

    Breastmilk causes less digestive issues, and the mortality rate of formula fed infants is seven times the mortality of breastfed infants.

    It's natural, and you should not be ashamed to breastfeed, no matter where you are.  (I breastfed everywhere, and hardly anyone even noticed)

    Buy nursing pads if you leak after the baby is born.

    Don't freak out if you feel a tingling or a contraction-like feeling in your breast when the baby eats.  That's your milk "letting down".  

    If you get a hard painful lump in your breast, it's likely a plugged milk duct.  Use warm compresses and massage the area and it should go away quickly.  DO NOT STOP breastfeeding, in fact you should start the baby on the breast with the plugged duct first.  The strong sucking power of the baby can unplug it for you.

    There's a lot more, but these are the important basics.  A great book is called The Joy of Breastfeeding.  I thought the title was a little tree-hugging, but the book has a LOT of good information.

  14. I found that the first week after each of my babys was born my milk supply could have fed triplets! soon settles down as your body starts to produce just what your baby needs. I fed my 3 babys and found it really easy after the initial possitioning problems I had with all .That is when you might suffer some discomfort but like anything else with practise you will soon be feeding your baby without even having to think about what you are doing....its a wonderful experiance and with a good midwife for support you should be fine. As another answerer said a good cream should help sort out and soreness at the start. Leaking before the baby is born is perfectly normal and doesnt mean you will have too much milk!

    Just make sure you have plenty of breast pads handy and a few good nursing you leak from one breast whilst feeding from the other.

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