
MOMS and DADS: do you prefer a certain child?

by Guest60197  |  earlier

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If so: what is their age, s*x, and birth order, and why

ex: 15 years old, female, oldest child, because she is the smartest.

and i know some of you may say that you love all your children equally, which is true, but im asking which you PREFER.

of course all your children are not the same, they all have different traits that make them unique. one may be smarter, one may be cuter, one may be more helpful around the house.

thank you. :)




  1. No, I don't prefer one child over the others.  Actually, I prefer all three when they are in bed (and asleep) at their given bedtime and I have time alone, lol.

  2. Wow, hope your kids don’t ever find this post!

    I think every parent loves their children equally, but it’s a different type of love for each child.

    I have a son whom I adore! I also have a stepdaughter whom I adore! I love both of them very much and I do for my stepdaughter what I do for my son. And if/when the time comes where I want another child, the same applies there also. Nobody gets special treatment in my house and I do this because I love my kids all the same. And they need to be treated the same (age appropriate).

    Sorry, but to SAY you actually love your child more than another or “prefer” one of your kids over another one…I think that’s pretty messed up!

  3. My Daughter.... She is the Eldest, and the Youngest, and the best little angel in my life!! Perfect, smart, cute, adorable etc. WONDERFUL

  4. i love all my children for there different ways

    if u feel like ur mum doesn't love u then tell her because i would want to no if one of my kids didn't feel loved

  5. Never. In fact, I would never fathom favoritism. My love for them would not allow it. No child of mine would be considered "smarter than the other" because I don't know their full potential or what goes through their minds and what they'll accomplish as the years go by. I hope you don't say these things around them either.

    Edit:  I'm sorry but your mom is ignorant. She's probably one of those mothers who takes it out on the child who looks more like their dad. Study hard and get a job as soon as you can so you can get out of her house and be happy on your own. You don't need people like that around you, no matter who it is.

  6. I only have one son... but I do have a favorite nephew... BUT I will never expose who it is so anyone!  

  7. I only have one daughter so she is my favourite... but studies do show that first born is preferred over the other well as female is preferred over male...obviously that doesn't go for all cultures, this study was done in the U.S...I haven't seen anything regarding ago though...

    I imagine the first born is "preferred" because they were a new experience and you got lots of time to bond with them and love more children come along, the less time you usually get to bond with them either because you can't afford not to go back to work or simply your attention is divided among the other children as well...i don't know about the gender thing...

  8. I have two kids, a girl age 14 and a boy age 12.  I love both equally, but I am closer to my son.

    Reason being my son and I have the same interests.  We both like comedy and the same tv shows, we both like to read and play video games.   My son and I have the same sense of humour, a sarcastic one at that and most of my jokes fly right over my daughters head.  

    My daughter likes to hang out in her room and talk on the phone.  I'm looking forward to the day when she comes out of there and sits to have a conversation or agrees to be seen in public with me.  

    I know it's hard for teenagers but it's hard for parents too.  We feel rejected by our kids just as much as they do by us.  Our efforts to have a closer relationship are often snubbed.  It's a rare occasion when my daughter lets me in her room to talk and even then it's because I've told her I'm not leaving until we've gotten reacquainted.  

  9. Which child do I give preferrential treatment to? None. I believe children should be loved and treated equally.

    Which child do I prefer because our temperaments, likes, and personalities mesh better? I'll never tell.

  10. WOW - I don't think your Mom actually said this!

  11. i have two boys 9 and 10

    the 10 year old is my fav because he likes his education and is very head strong

    but my 9 year old is also my fav because he loves his singing and drama so they are both my favs but for different reasons

  12. I am the favorite in my family...  the "preferred" child, I suppose.  I'm the youngest, only girl and the first to have children of my own.  I was emotional, a mid-range student (Bs and Cs, with occassional As), not athletic, not gifted, just me.

    Sorry you're going through a rough patch.  Tell your mom how you feel and if it doesn't help, seek a school counselor or a teacher you can trust.  If you're honest about your mom telling you she doesn't love you, it's mental abuse and there are people who can help.

    Additional note: My parents love ALL their kids, but I was the "preferred" child as you put it.  I bonded well with both of my parents.

  13. well i only have one child at the moment but if i were to have another i dont think i would prefer one of the other. i will love all my kids equally weather or not one is good and one is bad those are the cards i am delt with so i will take it as it is.

  14. I love all my children "equally."

    I do not compare one over the other.

    That causes "disaster" in a family relationship. <}:-})

  15. I have twins aged 10 Kylie and Thomas there is NO WAY i could ever say i love one more than the other they are both my kids and as a mum that is so wrong to say whats she says to you she should be ashamed !

  16. no i dont prefer a child over child. i have 2 children. both boys. i love them both. one of my sons has autism so hes special if u know what i mean. i have to take care of him a little more. but i love my kids both the same no matter what. im sorry u have a bad mom. do u have a adifferent father than ur other sisters and brothers? maybe it is true u remind her of ur father but that doesnt giver her a right to mistreat u. my mother always treated us the same. everytime she bought us stuff she always had to buy 3. be fair. she cant favor us over the other. she loves us all. im very lucky to have a mother who cares about me so much. she also babysit my kids while i work. im sorry u dont have a mother like that. i hope ur fathers there... if not..

    ill be your mom. hugs..

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