
MOMS????How bad does it hurt to have a baby?

by Guest57570  |  earlier

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My mom said it didnt hurt at all but I find that hard to believe. What was it like, was it the worst pain ever? My periods are bad and I have a bad back. I am worried, my clock is ticking. All answers are welcome, and thanks for your answers. Please tell your stories




  1. I had a c-section it hurt the next day the nurses wouldn't help me out of bed and I couldn't stand straight for a few days because it felt like the staples would fall out.  You heal from it and most of all there's a brand new life to care for.

  2. I hate pain...and when i was pregnant i worried about how much i wouldnt be able to cope and always said i only wanted natural with gas and air only as im terrified or needles and been cut open...When i went into labour the pain wasnt that bad, yes it got worse the closer i got to pushing but it was always bearable and i only got pain relief 5hrs and 15mins into my 8hr 30min labour...So for someone that hates pain i done quite well with no pain relief for so long...The the part that hurt the most was when the head comes out it was a stinging feeling but then the rest slides out and the pain is over...U have to remeber that period cramp can last for days (as long as ur period) and labour pain only lasts til baby born and then when baby arrives the pain goes. Yes some ppl might have more pain than others as no labours are the same but u do have pain releif which does help and also the pain is only as strong as u want it to be...If u keep ur calm and try relax and listen to the midwife and dont get worked up ul prob find it easier to cope with...Also in my experince id say miscarriage hurts more than labour as iv heard a few other woman say it to...Dont listen to horror storys and to be honest i loved my labour and cant wait for my next turn...

  3. well i hurts like h**l during and afterwards but its a pain that is quickly forgotton!!!

  4. That's what the epidural is for.  If you have an epidural, then your pain sensations are blocked, so it's not a big deal.   The contractions were a bit painful until the anesthesiologist got there, but after that, I didn't feel a thing.  Overall, childbirth was a positive experience both times.

  5. I will be honest with you about my experience, bearing in mind everyone is different.

    I had a very difficult labour that lasted for 23 hours. No-one or nothing could have prepared me for the pain of contractions. In the early hours I awoke with a mask over my face after the gas had ran out and the pain I felt was so strong that I could not place it physically to a part of the body. It was so overwhelming that my brain was the only part of me that still seemed to rise above it - I really felt as if I was going to die.

    I won't elaborate any further only to say that some women have a much easier time and holding your baby in your arms for the first time makes it all worthwhile.

    People say you forget the pain after, I never have but if I had another baby I would have to have c-section anyway.

    Preparation is key - I had no birthing plan and didn't know how to rationally deal with labour, plus the nursing staff were awful - when you eventually do become pregnant decide the best way forward - get a private room and insist that labour is done your way!

  6. it HURTS. but you never remember how badly..or no woman would ever have more than 1.

    but billions of women have given birth. its only for a few hours.

    theres no way it "doesnt hurt at all". i mean come on...a person coming out of does.

  7. i just helped a woman deliver a baby last night actually - not to mention ive done it before myself - and its not that bad... take my advice though get the epidural lol- the worst part is if its your first it will probably take a while...

  8. For me it wasn't any where near as bad as I was led to belive it would be (by all the horror stories). Of course it hurts lol. I had my appendix removed at 10, and that was much much more painful. I also slammed a finger in a car door as a little kid and jerked my hand out tearing my fingernail off! That hurt worse than childbirth too! For me it only was real painful the last hour or two. As the baby moved down to crown that was the worst of the pain. I waited untill the head was crowning to push both times. So 2 pushes first time, and 3 the second time, and that was the end of it. I had an episiotomy with both and that was worse pain than the 9months/labor/delivery combined for me. The key is to stay very calm and relaxed and focussed. The more you get tense, the more it hurts. I didn't have an epidural with either, and won't this time either.

    Basically right at the very moment I got to where I was really hurting and thinking (****, I can't do this), by that time I was fully dialated and the baby's head could be seen. So the second the doc came in and said push I was ready to go! lol.

  9. in my opinion ,yes-worst pain ever.

    BUT ,its the only physically painful thing that something wonderful comes from. It hurts like h**l, but everyone i know (myself included) will say its totally worth every moment. When it was all over, i thought "this wasent bad at all"

  10. My contractions hurt very badly until I got to the hospital. Then, they gave me loads of drugs and epidural and all was bliss. Never felt a thing as far as the actual delivery.

    First child, I didn't have to get stitches. she was tiny. second child was tiny, too and I only got 2 stitches.

    Those 2 stitches hurt more than anything- the day AFTER she came.

  11. Honestly, yes, it hurts, but it's not so bad that it's prevented me from having 2 more!  There are ways to control pain during labor and delivery including concentrated breathing, epidurals, and intravenous meds.  I have done the natural birth as well as the epidural, and MUCH prefered the epidural.  I was better able to enjoy the birth.

  12. It depends.

    With my 1st daughter I was in labor for what seemed forever. Acctually it was 42 horrible hours. I did not have any epidural because I wanted a natural birth but it was h**l. Although it was a painful experience its not stopping me from doing it again and this time I have twins. That is if the docter says its all right for me to deliver them naturaly.

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