
MOTHERS, who has breast fed their baby exclusively for over 6 months ? survey about breast feeding vs bottle?

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i am writhing my extended essay, as i am an IB student.. i really need to know if any mothers have breast fed their babies and realized if she or he became stronger, healthier or has a better immune system or hardly became sick. please also note the results of the babies health if she ir he was bottle fed .. im basically proving that babies who breast feed have a stronger immune system and generally healthier then those babies who are bottle fed.




  1. My baby is 10 and a half months old.  I have only breastfed her quite literally as she refused bottles with breast milk in them.  To date she has only had one cold and on bout of stomach flu.

  2. well my son is now 12 and is very healthy and athletic... Gets good grades and I bottle fed him as a baby.. As a baby he was the happiest kid and wasn't sick.. Thank god cuz I  was a single mom.  

  3. You always hear from those women who bottlefed and their babies never get sick, or their sisters who breastfed and the baby gets sick all the time.  This place is hardly the place to get a random sample!

    I breastfed my babies, and they're strong and healthy.  They also have nice skin and hair.  We also get ear infections regularly.  I would hate to imagine how many ear infections we would get if I had bottlefed.  Ear infections run in my family, and my cousins bottlefeed and have lots more trouble.  One of my cousins actually breastfeeds, and her kids never get sick at all.

    You can read books and even credible articles on the internet that are research based and prove that breastfed babies are generally healthier.  It's common knowledge--the can of formula says so itself.

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