
MPAA admits study on downloading exaggerated losses by $2 billion?

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As the Associated Press reported, the MPAA has admitted that a "2005 study it commissioned claiming that 44% of the industry's domestic losses came from illegal downloading of movies by college students" was wrong. Try 15%. The study, used by the MPAA as the cornerstone of its lobbying efforts in Congress for stronger copyright-enforcement legislation and proof that college students of America were criminals, was exaggerated by nearly $2 billion.

1) Is Congress the largest group of Ludites in America?

2) Have you ever written your Congressmen and complained about legislation that harms the public while helping special interest groups?

For example: I want to copy my DVD collection to my computer for distribution around my house. That is currently illegal. I want to copy my favorite DVD to my Voyager Phone. That is also currently illegal.

***** I do not condone stealing intellectual property. *****




  1. I agree with not stealing intellectual property. But I don't think your stealing if your copying your own DVD collection to ether your computer or phone, (BTW nice phone).

    The idea that they lied  doesn't surprise me. They fought hard to get H D C P and kill any chance of end user's from recording HD programing digitally on any type of long term storage device. In other words (DVR's don't count as you erase recorded programing to record more).

    Back in 2000 we were looking forward to the freedom of HD Programing and the ease of recording. Just as we did with VCR's. DVI was the the answer. But the MPAA wanted none of it. So why not lie. It made sense to them. They worked the system and got what they wanted. (so we got caught, It's to late to do anything about it now).

    Well maybe there is. It would only be right if they were fine the 2 billion they lied about.  OK 2 billion might be a bit to much but at least fine them.

    So for now it's wait and see.

  2. You know. I need to have a little talk to them about lieing.

    Lieing to the goverment. Like no one does it.

    I know I tell the true when I do my Tax's.

    That was a lie or was it?

  3. Could you provide a link to that report?

  4. I didn't think it was illegal if it's for person use and not for sale. That what I was told by a deputy friend of mine...

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