
MPs' second homes and the Housing downturn - will they take the losses as well as the profits ?

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MPs' second homes and the Housing downturn - will they take the losses as well as the profits ?




  1. I don't see how they could make a loss as we have paid for, or at least subsidised, their homes.

  2. Any losses will just be put on the expense account just like everything else

  3. don't think they will,  just put in larger expenses

  4. I heavily doubt it lol

  5. MP's taking a loss on anything ??

    Hang on











    Whoaaa thought I saw a flying purple pig then.

  6. There are no losses for our MPs, there will be a kitty somewhere, where they can claim losses. This of course will be the tax payers money, our MPs are greedy, useless, lazy morons. If things get to bad for them they will increase council tax, in fact they will increase tax on everything, gotta help our MPs stay comfortable don't you know, god forbid they should have to live like us Little muggles x

  7. The losses they will be able to write of against taxable earnings....

    i bet!!

  8. Many better-off people in the UK are allowed to have second homes, or even third homes, as holiday, investment or lifestyle choices, which are not necessary to their work, which you could argue is the case for MPs.  This trend has priced local first-time buyers out of property markets in many areas, especially rural ones.

  9. If they are subsidised, they can only make profits!  If they sell the house at a low price, then they just haven't made so much profit from the taxpayers.

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