
MRSA..Who's business is it?

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I just found out I have MRSA and the debate is...

We are having to cancel a cook-out due to this. My husband wants to send out an email telling everyone why we are canceling. He reasons that when I am better and we reschedule they can be informed and decide if they want to come them. I think that once I am well I am well. There is no need to tell everyone my health issues..that is my business. But I wondering if I am wrong in not telling them? Confused on what is the right answer.




  1. MRSA is no more virulent than other strains of Staph. aureus; it's just more resistant to antibiotics.  Staph. aureus is commonly found on the skin and in the respiratory tracts of many, many people, without causing any problems.  The problem is when the organism get into a place that is normally sterile (like under the skin or in the bladder) and then causes a hard-to-treat infection.  You would be putting your guests at greater risk of getting sick if you had a nasty cold than if you have MRSA, assuming you use reasonable precautions, such as frequent handwashing.

    Unless you're too sick to host the cook-out, there's no need to cancel.  Clean your household surfaces with a 10% bleach solution (one part bleach with nine parts of water).  You can clean your own skin with Phisohex, which is pretty effective at killing S. aureus.  However, do refrain from touching your guests or handling their utensils, plates, drinking cups, etc. until you have your infection cleared up.

    It's absolutely nobody's business that you have a MRSA infection and your husband needs to keep this information private.

  2. your own personal health is your business.  

    MRSA is just a tough strain of staph.  Unless you have been wrestling with your friends or rubbing your body against their food or personal hygiene items, i dont really see how its anyone concern.

    its everywhere in hospitals, nursing homes, etc. it only is a problem when it causes infection, etc.

    ask you doctor if you should warn people.  he'd probably laugh. but ask him to be sure

  3. you are entitled to your privacy.  your husband's decision to share your private medical information without your permission is illegal.

  4. Well because MRSA can live on household surfaces, you must disinfect everything that you can with a chlorine bleach solution...  otherwise you are risking getting your friends/family sick too...  you have a right to privacy but they also have a right to know if they will get sick... MRSA is highly contagious and deadly

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