
MS Word for Note taking, a good tips/setup

by  |  earlier

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i want to know how others use MS word (i got 2008) for note taking, but making it look fun to do and a way to learn it. besides writing title then - blahblahc (enter) - blahha.




  1. You could try the Cornell Note-taking Method.  See this site for setup information for how to create columns that combine your textbook's notes with your lecture notes, and any final notes put into your own words for exam review all on one page:  

    You could easily set this up yourself in Word:

    (Before you get started, you might want to give yourself more room for your notes by going to the File menu and then Page setup and changing all of your margins to .5".  You might also want to create a header from the View menu so you can key in the class title, subject title, and the date.)  

    *  Create a Table by Inserting a Table that is 2 rows by 2 columns.

    *  Then, select the entire second row and then Table menu

    *  Then Merge Cells...

    *  Then, drag to resize the first row and then drag to resize your second row to achieve the heights and widths of your columns.  

    *  After doing that I'd also select the note-taking column and add bullets.

    If you don't want to make your template from scratch, this site provides instructions for creating a Cornell Notes Template with MS Word:

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