I am currently in the process of getting with a neurologist to talk about some symptoms that i have been having over the past couple years. i want someones insight on what this could be. my cousin was diagnosed with MS and she said that our symptoms are very much alike. So ill start from the beginning.
I am a 21 year old female. neurological problems run in my family (epilepsy, fibromyalga, etc.). My most common symptoms are very bad twitching in my arms legs and under my eyes that last anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days. sometimes these spasms are painful and sometimes they are not. my vision is so bad that changing my eye prescriptions don't help. i have little jerks every once in a while just out of the blue. usually in my leg or my hands. alot of times my legs will go numb for a little while and after words my leg and knee really hurts. today was the worst by far. i was sitting at work and i felt my leg start to tingle like someone was scraping me with a needle and i got up so i could try to walk around to make it go away and i couldn't hold myself up i just fell. this has only happened a couple times before but this time it was worse than any time it has happened in the past. also, not sure if this could be related, but i seem to be very sensitive to heat. i dont even have to do anything if its a little warm my face will just turn bright red and i will feel exhausted. my fatigue seems to be getting worse and worse every week. i get these sharp pains in my right arm and sometimes its so bad that i cannot move it. i am very forgetful and its to the point where my 85 year old grandmother who has dementia remembers more than i sometimes. i don't think that this is related, but my mom said i should tell the doctor anyway when i go in, but i seem to have been developing a kinda studdering problem to where it takes me too long to say the word. another thing that seems to bother me alot is my hands. if im holding something, it does not matter if it is a piece of paper or the coffee pot (my bf pokes fun at me for this) my hands shake like crazy. its really strange.
some other symptoms that i think i need to mention that might not even be related is migraines(which have been coming on more and more over the past couple months) and also i had a seizure back in june. i think it was called a partial complex or something like that but its basically a falling down spell. i have had a couple seizures over the year but never a grand mal. im sure there are other things that happened to me that im not thinking of that could be related to something but these symptoms are probably the most important to worry about. please give me some insight on some things that this could possibly be. i dont want to go to the doctor and say i think i have ms or something wrong with me and they look at me like im an idiot. HELP!!