
MSNBC (Obama network)already attacking Palin anyone surprised?

by Guest57183  |  earlier

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Wow they are so in the tank for Obama it's ridiculous

This is all they can come up with? where's the shady real estate deals?

the terrorist ties? the racist pastors? the chicago political corruption ties?

Oh wait that's right she's in Alaska cleaning up corruption

MSNBC you are pathetic, unreliable and sexist! a big joke!




  1. MSNBC seems to have completely given up on any sense of neutrality.  I can barely stand to watch anymore.    

  2. Fox News (McCain network) Attacking Biden the same day he was announced. Anyone surprised? A big joke!

  3. MSNBC is so out of sync with real America. It is now know as the comedy channel of politics,

  4. Good for them ,what you afraid of the truth????

  5. Not really. Like everything else in life, you take the easier path. Attacking Palin is easier than attacking the old man. MaCain people do the same thing too. They attacked Obama, instead of Biden. She is a big girl, she better knows how to defend herself if she wants to be a VP. Relax.... May the best win.

  6. You are pathetic, but you'd believe anything that hurts your opponent and ignore anything that hurts your candidate no matter how much of a stretch the first are and how salient the second is. Please never vote.

  7. Their ratings are low now, but just watch after the election when heads roll because no one will be watching.

    They're not even news anymore, just plain nasty. They will get what they are putting out. Nothing but bad.

  8. MSNBC has stopped even trying to hide their blatant backing of the Obama cult. I was appalled to watch their "reporters" work so hard to explain away every Obama gaffe, misstep and flip-flop. At least FOX has never hesitated to show McCain's mistakes.

  9. This rant is so ignorant , it doesn't rate a response.

  10. Mathews is ok.

    Keith is a joke

    Don't know why the don't just replace him with John Dean (DNC charimen)

  11. To whining desperate right wingers any news about their shoddy candidates is an "attack".  Right wingers live in a world of "attacks" - somebody is always trying to slip some thing up their behinds.  Republicans are a paranoid, ridiculous lot who have no political issues to discuss - just the recycled lies of Karl Rove.    

    GoBama!  Kick those Right Wing Bottoms up UP into the Air!

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