
MTG booster box vs. tournament box

by Guest10977  |  earlier

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im going to buy a box of booster packs.

i was just wondering peoples opinions if i should get a whole box of booster packs or a box of tournament packs.

i dont need land. but i was wondering what would be better and why?





  1. If you don't need the land, then I would suggest getting the booster box. A tournament pack has the exact same distribution as 3 booster packs (which makes the boxes have the same rares etc), but booster boxes tend to have a higher number of foils.

  2. boosters

    tournament packs can only ever have 3 rares and never repeate rares. a single booster can have up to 2 rares that are repeates (a friend of mine got an eventide booster and got 2 ahslings one foil and one not)

    and if you dont need the land, than definetly get the boosters

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