
MUMS with 4 kids only please! ? Do you find that no matter

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how hard you work, there is ALWAYS, something more to do around the house or for the kids! I don't work, I have 4 kids ranging from 16 down to 2! I never seem to finish EVERYTHING! There is always someone who needs me, and always something I have to do! Off now to sort washing, haven't stopped all day and I could easily work till midnight! Thanks !




  1. I, too, am a stay at home mom. I have four boys- ages 4 1/2, 3, 2, and 1. I completely agree. I have been really frustrated lately because there always seems to be laundry, dishes, cleaning, and homework (I also go to school full time). I don't expect everything to be perfect, but just trying to keep everything clean is hard work. So I know how you feel. I figure the only way I'm going to keep my sanity is by doing it one thing at a time and choosing my battles. Good luck! Moms like us are SUPERMOMS :)

  2. Make sure that your kids are safe and tell them you're going to do something and can't be bothered. They will hopefully understand if you raised them well enough.

  3. The sixteen year old surely should be helping around the house, as well as the other kids depending on how old they are.

    I have three of my own kids, as well as my stepson that we are raising.  They are six, nine, twelve, and my stepson is fourteen.  They are all able to help around the house in some way.  The fourteen and twelve year old take turns doing the garbage, laundry, and dishes. The nine year old helps set and clear the table... she also enjoys helping sweep the kitchen... the six year old can atleast pick up his toys (although this is often a fight but it will teach him responsibility...).  The six year old also enjoys helping me mop.  A sixteen year old is also old enough to help you cook dinner so that you can do other things.  Make a chore list and give everyone things that they have to do.  Reward them at the end of the week.  I have found that giving children a couple dollars a week helps save my sanity...  

  4. During the school year, yes. My kids are 10, 8, 4, 1 and I'm due with a 5th in Feb. I'm a teacher and get home 10 minutes before my older two get off the bus. From 3pm-330pm everyone entertains themselves and I relax. It's been this way since my oldest started school. Then at 330pm the choas starts. Homework, grading papers, dinner, laundry, household chores, entertaining the kids, getting them bathed, cleaning up etc. A lot of the stuff I wait to do once they're asleep. I stay up late and wake up early (only need 6hrs of sleep to get through the day and have always been this way) so I tend to finishing things then...but between's a little hard. Plus I want to spend time with my kids.

    We work as a family though and make sure things get done. Everyone plays a part...I don't do everything. My kids put their clothes away, clean up after themselves and keep their bedrooms clean. My 4yr LOVES to vaccum and is the dust buster king. I've learned to accept that my house will never be completely clean with kids. As long as everyone is happy and safe, I'm good.

    Best Wishes =]

  5. one of my best friends has 4 kids and she feels like this too and she works as well what my friend say tho is it does get easier and everything is run like a military operation xxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. I have 5 children aged from 15 down to 2.5 and I am 25 weeks pregnant with number 6.

    And I agree... to a point.

    I don't stop during the day, but I definitely try to get in an afternoon nap. There is always washing to be done, but I generally only have a turn around time of one day.

    Evenings for me are the hardest, clearing dinner, cleaning kitchen, lunches and uniforms ready for next day, baths, washing! I DO NOT go to bed until I am organised or else the following day will be ruined!

    I am fortunate to have a cleaning and ironing lady and a husband who will come home and help me.

    I have to say though I am really anxious about when the baby is born and how I will cope then... but we always find a way.

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