
MUSLIMS, question too long to be put here?

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Do you argue among yourselves about Islam, like Christians do with their religion, they argue among themselves cannot agree on one single thing.

So,I have heard you have two different sects of Islam, Sunni and something else, or do you have more? What are the major arguing about?doctrines or what?




  1. its 73, and yes they do argue, i dont, cause i have no idea what their talking about half the time, but they argue, no ones perfect.

    shia and sunnis mostly.

    they argue about why shias do something that is forbidden in islam, and shia's say its not forbidden. thats basically all.

  2. there is no arguing among ourselves, it is just that some people try to corrupt and create problems between those two.

    trust me, I am from both of these sections

  3. just goto wikipedia

    what are you trying to do, start a riot or something

  4. "And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited, and remember the favour of Allah on you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favour you became brothers; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved you from it; thus does Allah make clear to you His communications that you may follow the right way." (Al-Qur'an 3:103)

    We believe in the oneness of the Creator, our Lord, Allah, the Glorifies, the Most High, and in the message of His final prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Our Lord commands us to unity through the final revelation, the Holy Qur'an, and through the example of His final messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

    Unfortunately, today the scourges of disunity and sectarianism are tearing the Ummah apart. For too long, the enemies of Islam and Muslims have been allowed to sow the seeds of hatred between Muslim brothers and sisters, resulting in bloodshed and destruction.

    The time has come for Muslims to stand against such cruelty and injustice, falsely committed in the name of Islam. Accordingly, we call upon Muslims to: --Denounce all forms of disunity, including racism, nationalism, and sectarianism, committed by individuals, organizations and governments around the world.

    Unite in our stance against all attempts to divide the Ummah, in accordance with Ayah 3:103 of the Qur'an and the authentic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. --Commit ourselves to the promotion of good relations between all Muslims, based on Islamic etiquette (adab).

    We make this statement to take an Islamic stance of unity against all divisive policies and actions.

  5. Thank you for your questions. They raise very important issues, especially in today's world.

    However, I would like to state clearly that the core of Islam is not about any of the issues you raised in your questions. These are details that are not part of the Islamic faith, except for the questions about the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Otherwise, you could be a Muslim and have whatever views you wish to have on any of the above issues and questions.

    What makes someone Muslim is to believe in One God, all Prophets (including Jesus and Muhammad), life after death, God's Angels, God's books (including the Qur'an, Torah, and Gospel), and the fact that God created everything that had existed and He will create everything that will exist. That is all it takes to be a believer (or a Muslim, if you wish).

    Sunnis and Shiites: Nothing but Politics

    Next, I will give you my opinion regarding the Sunni-Shiite issue, which seems to be a real concern for you. I know that this opinion is different from what some Muslims might be telling you. However, I can assure you that I personally know many Muslim scholars who hold the same opinion as mine.

    You do not have to choose between becoming Sunni or becoming Shiite when you become Muslim. In fact, you do not have to be Sunni or Shiite or belong to any other Islamic school or group. To cut a long story short, I would say that the difference between Sunnis and Shiites is something that belongs to "politics" and not to "faith."

    Quran is no like Bible you know why Quran even after 1500years it is the same and original language. The biggest benefit of being original is that there are no any difference in Muslims between core issues …….

    The Problem With Translations

    Generally speaking, translations of anything can be problematic. While translating any text, whether it is an academic text, a poem, or even a newspaper article, the translator must walk a fine line between accurately transferring the meaning of the original text, and avoiding any input of his or her own as much as possible.

    second try....

    The Qur’an commands the Muslims in the verse which means:

    *{And hold fast by the covenant of Allah all together and be not disunited, and remember the favor of Allah on you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favor you became brethren}* (Aal `Imran 3:103)

    This divine command categorically makes it binding on all Muslims to be united as one Ummah (community of believers). And for this reason all forms of schism and sectarianism become un-Islamic.

    But at the same time, as human nature is what it is, there has arisen over the centuries differing interpretations of some of the verses of the Qur’an and of the meaning of some Prophetic traditions, and these have caused a few sects to be formed within the fold of the Muslim community. But it is also a fact that, compared to other religions, the number of sects in Islam are far fewer.

    We may say that the Sunni and the Shia are the two major groups among Muslims. But most Sunni and Shia believers recognize each other as genuine Muslims (except for a few deviant sects). Both the Sunni and Shia followers believe in Allah Almighty, in Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and in the Day of Judgment as exemplified in the Holy Qur’an in the verse that means:

    *{The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers; they all believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers; We make no difference between any of His messengers; and they say: We hear and obey, our Lord! Thy forgiveness (do we crave), and to Thee is the eventual course.}* (Al-Baqarah 2:285)

    There is also a great deal of agreement between the Sunni jurisprudence and the Shia one. This is because of their dependence on the same sources, the Qur’an and the Sunnah (the example of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him), as well as on the same objective of research on religion, that is, establishing Allah's justice and mercy among people.

  6. the most correct opinion is that there will be 73 sects of islam at the end of time, we arent really sure how many there are right now. sunni and shia are the 2 biggest groups as most people know, but the quran forbade us from splitting into sects in surah Yousef. sunnis never split off from anything, which is why i dont call myself a "sunni" or anything else. i do follow the sunnah and i follow the quran, but the shia are the ones who deviated and chose to start following their own thing. there is also a small minority called the sufis, but they dont really follow islam either and i dont think that i need to give you all the details because you obviously dont know anything about islam anyway,besides the fact that 2 sides always seem to be fighting about something.

  7. there are many sects!

    And yes they do argue among each other and kill each other..

  8. The foundation in Islam is agreed by all sects and that Is there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah (i.e the last no Prophet will come after him) The Qura'n sisONE we do not have different ons, we all abide by the same

    Actually there are 73 :) it boils down to the differing of opinion on some aspects, right now I don't have much time but I'm hoping other user can explain,if not I will come back and edit when I have time Insha'Allah (God- Willing)

  9. There are many, many sects in Islam. There are 2 main sects: Sunni and Shia and from those 2 stem many others.

    The major argument between Sunni and Shia was about who was the leader (Khalif) after Mohammad (PBUH) Sunni (the majority of Muslims, if i'm not wrong they are like 90%; Shia 10%) believed Abu Bakr -one of the Prophets closest companions- was the rightful new leader, the Shia thought it was Ali, the cousin and son in law of the prophet.

    There are also disputes about doctrine: the Shia believe in 12 imams, the Sunni do not, but i guess main issue are the hadith books (these books hold the supposed sayings and practices of the Prophet). After Quran, Hadith is an important source for religious guidance for most Muslims

    The Shia do not believe in the main hadith source of the Sunni: Sahih Bukhari.

    Sunni do not believe in the Hadith books of the Shia.

    There will be  73 sects in Islam. A few sects that are considered Sunni's are the Ahle Hadith, the Salafi, the Wahabi and the Amhadiyya.

    The last sect consider them selves Sunni's but were placed outside the fold of islam in 1974 by the scholars of all other sects, because they believe in a prophet after Mohammad (PBUH).

    Some Shia sects are the Ismaeli's the Agha Khani and the Bohri.One sect that can have both Shia's and Sunni's are the Sufi's; they are very spiritual.

    Another sect that is neither Sunni nor Shia would be the Quran Only. They do not believe or accept hadith as a guide for Muslims, they only accept the Quran for guidance.

    Wikipedia can no doubt give you more information. I hope this answered your question.

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