
MY 5 month old cat..sneezing?

by Guest64722  |  earlier

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My kitty sassy has started sneezing.. she recently got her last dose of shots and it was not until the nasal drops that she statred sneezing. I guess this was the Bortella (nasal drops). She coughed as well but that went away. This is my First cat so anyone with knowledge please reply.




  1. If your cat is playful, eating and drinking, and looks healthy I wouldn't worry too much about it. Cats are very resilient.

    Sometimes they get sick and hide, but if they drink and eat, you can wait two days before taking them to the vet.

    They sneeze and cough up hairballs too, sounds awful but it's normal.

    Just watch how they act and if it still worries you bring it up at the next vet visit.

    The only emergency is when they won't do anything.

    I've had cats all my life.

  2. I'd either take her to the vet, call the vet hotline(if they have one. They should)

    She might have a cold or the flu.

    Good luck.

    My cats 5 months as well.

  3. it might just be a cold...wait a few days if shes acting normal if she begins to stop eating get her to the vet really soon...because it might be turning into something more serious...if the cough went away it was probably just rhinovirus (the common cold) and will go away on its own...i wouldn't be overly worried right now

  4. The vaccination shots have caused numerous bad reactions in cats in the past. The new nasal drops are supposed to be much safer, but now there is a rash of reported problems with those too. The best you can do is to notify your vet that the cat seems to have a bad reaction and see what they say. Good luck.

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