
MY BABY IS NOW 20WEEKS, SHE IS DOING DESENTRY 5-6 TIMES A DAY, any home made medicine?

by  |  earlier

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doctor gave her ors powder, densentry stopped, and again from 2days she is doing, any natural home made medicine is there? and she is suffering from cough




  1. Home Remedy for Infant Diarrhea

    A child with diarrhoea needs food and fluids.water, salt and sugar solution’ are the most important ‘medicines’ for the treatment of diarrhoea and dehydration.

    @ Apply ginger juice around the navel area of a child.

    @Grate one raw papaya. Add 3 cups water, boil for 10 minutes,, strain. Give 2 tsp to a child 4 times a day.

    @Stew 1 apple with 2 pinches of nutmeg powder and 1 tsp sugar. Give your child to eat it.

    @Starchy liquids like arrowroot water, barley water, rice gruel and coconut water are very beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea.

    @This cure has worked wonders for many patients. Boil half cup water and add 3-4 drops of ghee (clarified water) and stir. Let the water cool down to lukewarm temperature and drink this water. It should stop loose motion definitely. Repeat it the next day morning if you are not cured. Do not drink it repeatedly, otherwise you may develop constipation.( but i recomend,you should go with the above measures than the last one)

  2. An old wives tale I have used is to boil rice, (1 part rice 2 parts water) for 25 minutes and drain the water into a jar.  Use doses of 2 teaspoons of the rice water every other feeding.  Don't use more than 6 teaspoons per day (3 doses)  If that won't stop her up a bit, you need a Doctor's or nutritionists advice.  It is possible she is allergic to the food you are giving her.  If it is milk based, try soy or rice formula. Some babies can do fine with goat milk and don't take formula well no matter what.

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