

by  |  earlier

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alright, here we go. my 2 parakeets, Roxy(male) and Keisha(female) are in a breeding cage together. i caught them mating 2 days ago. now Keisha is spending loads of time in the nesting box and Roxy is sitting on the perch outside of it singing and is very fat(happy) I'm guessing this is a good sign =) here are some pics of the them any ideas of what the chicks might look like. and is there anything i should watch out for or expect? this is my 1st time breeding so all info will be a ton of help!

thanks all, Hewy =)




  1. well you should make shure the nestbox is kep warm the parents take terns nesting if not Keisha mit not get to eat and Roxy mite eat to much.the parents should keep bounding. if they mate agin then the eggs could be ded but lieve them in until your shere. dont change the cage or move it that would put Keisha under stress and she could live the box for good.

  2. They are courting but it may not mean baby birds just yet. You should go the library and get a book to help answer your questions. The hen will need some special feed while making eggs if she does. Good luck!

  3. Hello.

    If they were mating a few days ago, then a few more days she would lay eggs . Please give her some hard boiled eggs ( cut in half , serve shell and all ) so she can have more nutrition for her body ( plus calcium from the egg 's shell , keets eat every single stuff in the eggs ) About 2 weeks to 2 weeks and a half , the eggs would hatch and you keep give her hard boiled eggs, , because she will use it to feed  her young ones . You need to give her in the morning, by noon time, throw away the left over . Good luck ! TM.

  4. You can expect birds that are the color of the parents. You might get a white or a albino. It is hard to tell by looking. You need to raise a few nest out of them to figure out what they are capable of. You might never figure out the genetics. Most hobby breeders don't emphasize color. The just want to raise babies to sell.

    Don't be surprised if the eggs don't hatch, throw eggs out of the nest,  they don't feed the babies, they throw the babies out of the nest and my favorite to discover they kill the babies because they want them out of the nest for another round of eggs. Some birds take several nest to get it down pat. If they don't get it right after the second nest split them up for six months. Once they have went through the molt and they  come back in condition mate them back up. Chances are they will be successful the second season.

    When I first started breeding parakeets I didn't have many birds. I held back all of my babies for future breeders. About 40% turned into good breeders. The other 60% were birds that done the things I mentioned above and many more. It takes quite a bit of time to build up a nice colony of breeders.

    The next thing  you need to do is to go to Ebay and find a parakeet breeders handbook. You can find a good breeders book on there for less than ten dollars. You need to read it and learn what to do in different situations. I could sit here and peck for the next hundred years and not explain it all to you. Some things you read about and don't experience for years.

    The best advice I can give you is to buy a book and read and learn how to take care of breeding parakeets. You will save yourself a lot of heart ache. Not every parakeet is a breeder.

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