
MY CAT IS GOING TO BE PUT TO SLEEP TOMORROW <span title=":(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?">:((((((((((((((((((((((((...</span>

by  |  earlier

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im so sad how am i going to deal with this




  1. Remember that you are doing the right thing for your cat.  He is onviously in discomfort if he cannot eat so you are doing the best thing for him by ending his pain and giving him a quick and painless death.  If you think it will be better for him most vets will make a home visit and put the cat to sleep in you house.  This can take away the stress of the journey and of being at the vets.  

    How you are feeling now and tomorrow is the worst your feelings will get.  After his death you will never forget him but the grief will get easier everyday.  It can be nice to have a &quot;funeral&quot; for the pet where you have flowers and photos and remember him words.  Trust me you will be fine and in time may even be able to think of getting another pet to love.  

  2. buy a dog. dogs are waaaaaaaaaaaaay better. i bet your cat would want to die, if it kneew you cud have a dog insted.

    or get 2 dogs and make them fight!!!&quot;11

  3. hi kz,  I&#039;m so, so, sorry, you poor baby.  I&#039;ve gone through this many times, so I hope I can help you.  

    Tonight, now, get off the puter and go get your cat sit with him or her.

    Love her pet her, tell her you love her.  Get on the phone and find someone to go with you as it&#039;s really hard to do alone.

    Please do  this also, please make sure to go into the vets room as he give her the needle, so that you can be with her as she takes her last breath.

    But for now, just sit, don&#039;t let your mind wonder off some place, be present, be in the now with your cat.  Look in her eyes and just be with her, you will be so happy you did this and you&#039;ll always have the memory.  All my love and prayers to you and your dear cat.

  4. i had to take mine this morning.. it sucked and there iss no good way to deal with the loss of a pet.. especially after 15 years.  be glad you had fun and the animal made you happy while you had it . there just is no easy way around it .. my daughter is still crying .... it just sucks.  

  5. Sorry for you loss... check out

    there are are sorts of coping tips and there is a chat too.

  6. I&#039;m so sorry to hear he has now passed away. I hope you have lots of happy memories of him to keep you smiling through the tears. I lost my cat a year ago and he is truly irreplaceable, just like yours will be.

    But it is such a decent thing of you to let him sleep away peacefully rather than keeping him suffering through his terrible illness. I&#039;m sure he&#039;s smiling down from cat heaven right now purring because he loves you so much and he knows that to love him meant to let him go.

    Feel hugged xx

  7. first realize why the cat is being put to sleep. is it for a good reason? will she be in a better place? just reassure your self that she will be with you no matter what!  

  8. I am so sorry about whats happening. Just spend all your loving time with her, she knows you love her, and she loves you too:) Tell her you love her, they understand. If its old age or if shes sick, just remember, its best for her, she&#039;ll thank you. Its better than suffering, you need to know you helped her. Im so sorry:(

  9. Please Google The Rainbow Bridge. I promise that it will help you.

  10. i am so sorry 4 hearing this you can search yahoo or google

  11. Terrible news.  Just terrible.  My heart goes out to you.

    Spend your last moments with her.  Call in sick to work.

    Then get your best girlfriend to come over after (or take you to the vet) and get a good cry in and eat some junk food and tell your best stories about your cat.   Or if you like to drink, change out junk food for beer.  Just don&#039;t drive.

  12. omg im really sorry!  my cat had to be put to sleep 3 months ago. the first night is going to be the worst! cause it will hit u that he is gone. just make sure tonight you spend time with him and talk to him. thank him for being your pet all those years and tell him you love him and will miss him until yhou meet agian. i know it might sound weird talking to a animal, but it helped me when i knew i had to put him to sleep. i really think they understand. idk if u believe in heaven but you will see him there if u believe i promise. but once it happens make sure u dont just sit home cause that will make it worse. go somewhere with ur friends or family and do something fun to get your mind off it. sitting home will make u depressed adn even more sad. slowly you will get used to it but u will always miss him. i feel so bad for you cause i know that feeling when u know u have to say goodbye. its the worst feeling and its the worst thing to lose a pet. but say goodbye just for now not forever cause someday you will be with him again and you will never have to let him go again. so just enjoy your last night with him and know that someday you will be together agian. and you have to know that life goes on even though you will miss your cat more than anything. now my cat Simba will maybe make another friend in heaven. im really sorry :(  i know how u feel.  

    oh and i think you shuld get ur cats ashes. i got my cats ashes and i bought a cross urn necklace online and put some of his ashes in it. i wear it everyday so a part of my cat will always be with me. and i put the rest of his ashes in a urn in my room near a picture of me and him and a scrap book album of him.

  13. I&#039;m so sorry.  I&#039;ve been there and can only say that my cat always hated to go to the vet, but that last time, once we got there and I put him on the table, he looked up at me and looked almost grateful..  he looked like he was very content to have lived a good life, but knew now was time for him to leave and be at peace.   It&#039;s hard to do what is best for your furry family member, but you will find the strength because you know the cat can&#039;t make the choice for himself.

  14. I&#039;m sorry. :-( Watch a sad movie so you cry even more. That way you just let it all out. That&#039;s what I do. I give myself something even more to cry about. Don&#039;t worry all cats go to kitty heaven!! :-D

  15. I am soooo sorry to hear this.

    I would just spend lots of time with her and tell her how much you love her!

    Why is she being put down?  

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