
MY CHIHUAHUA!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to litter box train my 8 week old chihuahua. he goes pee when he is outside and in his litter box, but refuses to p**p in the box. He only likes to p**p on the rugs.




  1. Patience and Consistency - He's only 8 weeks...He'll get the hang of it, just give it some time.

  2. I couldnt get my puppy to go in the litter box either i use wee wee pads no then he can use that to go inside in stead of the litter box

  3. Take a little piece of the p**p and put  it in the litter box, then clean up the rest.  He will sniff and go there.  Works!

  4. ok very gross but some how pick up the p**p and put it in the litter box show your dog and that will work i trained my RATs and yes i have rats and a litter box for them

  5. It doesn't happen like magic to house train a dog, it can take months until they actually get don't worry he will get it eventually.  

  6. I have never heard of litter box training a dog. The problem might be that dogs aren't like cats and rabbits. They do not always use the bathroom in the same place every time. The best advice that I can give you is to teach the dog to use the bathroom outside. Once the dog has learned this skill it will come to you when it wants outside. Also if the reason you want to litter box train your dog is because you cant always let it out you could install a doggy door. Some newer types have been specially made to only allow your dog to come in and go out by a censor on it`s collar, are pretty well priced, and easy to install.

  7. try puppy pads.

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