
MY DOB is 2/18/1967, at Delhi - 9.35 am, When will my Kanataka Shani end?

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MY DOB is 2/18/1967, at Delhi - 9.35 am, When will my Kanataka Shani end?




  1. Kantaka Sani

    Whenever Saturn Transits on the 1st, 4th, 8th or 10th from the Chandra, Lagna or Arudha Lagna (AL), such transit is called Kantaka Sani. Kantaka literally means thorn and as the name suggests the native's life become so terrible that it is compared to a condition whereby a person limps when a thorne is stuck in his foot. During this period, the career is hamphered and finances dwindle. When it happens with respect to the AL, the career and finances are greatly affected, when it happens with respect to Lagna, the person makes wrong decisions and suffer due to that and when it happens from Moon, the person suffers physically and emotionally.

    The remedy to Kantak Sani is to chant the 3rd anuvaka of the Chamaka Prasna of Yajurveda, 11 times, in the morning at the brahma muhurtha. If this is done sincerely then the effect of Kantaka Sani on the native is minimal.

    3rd Anuvaka of Chamaka Prasna

    शं च मे मयश्च मे प्रियं च मेऽनुकामश्च मे

    कामश्च मे सौमनसश्च मे भद्रं च मे श्रेयश्च मे

    वस्यश्च मे यशश्च मे भगश्च मे द्रविणं च मे

    यन्ता च मे धर्ता च मे क्शेमश्च मे धृतिश्च मे

    विश्वं च मे महश्च मे संविच्च मे ज्ञात्रं च मे

    सूश्च मे प्रसूश्च मे सीरं च मे लयश्च म ऋतं च मे

    ऽमृतं च मेऽयक्श्मं च मेऽनामयच्च मे जीवातुश्च मे

    दीर्घायुत्वं च मेऽनमित्रं च मेऽभयं च मे सुगं च मे

    शयनं च मे सूषा च मे सुदिनं च मे॥ ३॥

    śam ca me mayaśca me priyam ca me'nukāmaśca me

    kāmaśca me saumanasaśca me bhadram ca me śreyaśca me

    vasyaśca me yaśaśca me bhagaśca me dravinam ca me

    yantā ca me dhartā ca me kśemaśca me dhritiśca me

    viśvam ca me mahaśca me samvicca me jñātram ca me

    sūśca me prasūśca me sīram ca me layaśca ma rtam ca me

    amrtam ca me'yakśmam ca me'nāmayacca me jīvātuśca me

    dīrghāyutvam ca me'namitram ca me'bhayam ca me sugam ca me

    śayanam ca me sūshā ca me sudinam ca me ..3..

  2. try to keep these things as a secret.....

    It becomes hard to trust and gives second thought if you hear it from an unknown person.

    call shri GV Nambooripad at 0-9891143069.

    Tell him how you got this referrence... and just need some help

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