My dog was a cute little puppy when we first got her, and acted like any other regular K9 throughout her puppy years. But once she hit the age of 4 or 5, it started. It started out as nothing too big, just a little tinkle here and there around the same places. And they were usually caused by us being out of the house and she had no one to take her out. We thought it was nothing, but as she older, the worse it got. She started peeing on the carpet even when we were there and she knew she wasn't suppose to. And when we moved to a new house was when ALL the chaos began. Barking barking and more barking! Pee all over the carpets and eventually p**p too!! Now at the age of 7, it still continues! sometimes I just want to cry! We have to shampoo our carpets at least twice a month because of this. I feel so embarrassed to invite people into my house because of the pet hair and oder of the carpets! Did I mention that we live in a townhouse too, and the neighbors complain all the time! The dog literally thinks that she runs the house! If she was a child, she would be the most bratty,spoiled kid in the world! We put her upstairs at the front every once in a while and now she thinks that she NEEDS to go there every day! But, we can't put her there because she'll potty! And when I take her out, she won't go, but as soon as I put her at the front, she does go! She is a bassett hound dog and barks at every little thing! Sorry I keep going on and on, but there are no words to explain my frustration towards her behavior!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!! I THINK I'M GOING TO EXPLODE!!