

by Guest56061  |  earlier

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this morning my dog woke up really depressed.

she has been wimpering occasionally(which is not like her). Her tail is down and so are her ears. We have taken her to the vet but he says nothing is wrong! She also constantly shakes, and its not because she is cold. PLZ HELP IDONT WANT MY DOG TO DIE!:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(




  1. Thats horrible

    Maybe she has a virus

    feed her?

    is she taking food?

    Make sure shes warm and dry is al you can do.

    Or take her to a different vet!

  2. go to a different vet. could she have worms? maybe she just has a doggy cold/virus. hope she gets better

  3. Take her to a different vet and explain the situation. She may be pregnant and experiencing symptoms. However, she could just be hurting and your gonna wanna know why. Or...she could be depressed. Either way, find out what you can do to help.

    Just like humans, dogs can get depressed. And as with people, it can be brought on by different things. Some common signs are lack of appetite, lethargy, change in personality and clingy-ness. Since dogs can’t talk and you can never really know for sure what’s "eating them"—the following are ways to help bring them back around.

  4. What did your vet do to determine that nothing was wrong? How old is she? Has she experienced any significant changes in her life recently? There are so many questions I would need to ask before I could even begin to get an idea of what's going on. One thing you may want to consider is that animals sense things, either about the environment or their people, that we have no clue to. I remember the outrageous behavior my two Golden Retrievers displayed just out of the blue. i thought they had lost their minds. A week later Hurricane Katrina struck. My only advice at this point would be to seek a second opinion if you are not satisfied with your vets answer. Frankly, I would as her few symptoms indicate a dog that is ill or in pain. And observe her closely. things mat be about to happen that haven't surfaced yet.

  5. I dont know if this will help but maybe if you change the dog food or something, get her another dog. maybe she is lonely..

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