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He's about a year old and half pug/half chichuahua.

He only ate about 10 m&m's if that..but i'm still worried. I've read that a small amount of chocolate won't harm dogs but I'm not sure.

What should I do?! Is this harmful? I don't think that there would be enough chocolate in m&m's to harm him. Please don't tell me "take him to the vet!" Because if I see any side effects of course I am going to do something about it.

Thankyou for any answers

This happened about 10 minutes ago and he is acting fine if that helps




  1. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, but he didn't eat too much so there's still a chance he'll be okay - expect him to get a stomachache later, though. I'm sure that's a given.

    Of course, just keep on watching him. Give him a little less food tonight than you normally would. I don't think he's in any danger :)

  2. Yeah, it is true that dogs will die if they eat TOO MUCH. Dont worry about it the M&M'S he had werent alot he will just have a stomachache if it was more M&M'S it would of harmed him.

  3. one of my buddies dogs ate a half a bag of hershey's miniatures once and was fine.  He was a mini schnauzer, so prolly about the same size as your dog.  He'll probably be fine, you're doing the right thing right now by monitoring him.  Just keep a close watch and if he starts acting weird or throwing up, get to the vet's!  Some dogs are more sensitive to that sort of thing than others.  Good luck and give the little fella a pet for me!

  4. Anyone who thinks that dog needs to go to a vet is out of their minds. 10 M&Ms is not going to do any harm.

  5. Chill dude, my friends dog had a couple chocolate chip cookies and nothing happened. And it was like 6 yrs ago, Lol.

  6. im sure he'll be fine. dont worry

    my black lab ate a whole pan of brownies. (no lie :])

    if anything he'll have diarea or something

    P.S. ANSWER SOME OF MY QUESTIONS PLEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Try to get him to throw up.  I have a much larger dog that ate about that much and was very ill for 2-3 days.  You wont see the effects for a few more hours.

  8. He SHOULD be fine, but DEFINITELY keep an eye on him all night long!!  A small amount of m&m's and definitely he being not super tiny is not going to kill him.  But keep an eye on him and don't let him eat anymore!!!  He should be fine!

  9. If dogs eat chocolate they have a 10% chance that the chocolate will kill them. I would call your vet to see if he has any suggestions!!

  10. Well, small amount for a small dog could be pretty bad where a small amount for a larger dog is fine.  Definitely keep a wary eye out for his or her mood.

  11. 10 regular m & m's shouldn't be a problem.  But in the future, if your dog swallows something that could be really bad for him....give him about a tablespoon of water mixed with a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide (ask your vet about this)  I was told to do this to my dog after he ate a whole bowl full of hersheys kisses (he's 19 lbs) I got it down his throat with a turkey baster, and in about 10 minutes he vomited it all up, foil and all.  It was just mildly annoying to him.  He was fine after all the fuss.

  12. He'll be fine, don't worry about it. My dogs have got into more chocolate than that without even getting sick from it (though they're bigger than a chihuahua). 10 M&M's isn't bad, just watch your dog to see if its getting sick but it most likely wont have any effect on the dog.

  13. I would call your vet right now even before he shows any signs of problems simply to let them know what's going on and to find out if there is any behavior that you should be watching for.  For example, maybe drinking alot of water is fine but throwing up is not (that's hypothetical, may or may not be true).  They may want you to bring your dog in now, depending.  Just talk to your vet and follow their instructions, it's more reliable!

  14. Your dog will be okay its okay for dogs to eat a small amount of chocolate. Even though your dog is small to the dog it would have been like eating super sweet dog biscuits, but your dog will be fine. just make sure he doesn't get any more, because its stomach will have trouble digesting them because it will make his stomach lining go weird but 10 is okay. So don't stress.

  15. I would advise following this:

    Many people do this when a dog eats chocolate. Since the dog is little he may get a reaction from even 10 m&ms.

  16. 10 m&m's arent enough to harm a dog.

    it could probably eat the whole bag and be fine tbh.

  17. OMG!! Your dog needs help!

    here are some sources:

    Please DON'T wait for side effects,Take him NOW.

    It even says in the second source TO NOT SEE IF HES OKAY!!!!


  18. I'm sorry to say, but my dad is a vet and I asked him about your question. He said that since he is a small dog, he will get sick from constipation. Because chocolate is hard for small dogs to digest. Then you WILL have to take him to the vet. : [[

    I'm sorry.

  19. He will be fine, if he only ate ten m&m's it is such a minimal maount that it wont do anything...if it was the whole pack then i would probobly be conserned.

    its fine, if anything strange starts to happen then obviously you should take him to the vet, and explain what happened.

  20. i don't think its going to harm him but look out for runny p**p. my dog ate a bag of chocolate and he had runny p**p all day the next day so be on the look out :)

  21. Poochie will be okay.

    See this article for more specifics.

  22. it should be fine!... chocolate in excessive amounts constantly can cause long as he doesn't make a habit of it he'll be fine :)

  23. No its fine. Just alot Of Chocolate can harm dogs. 10 M&M's is nothing at all, not even a threat of health. Its perfectly fine. M&M's are small. Even a bag of M&M's and hes still fine.

  24. my dog has eaten m&ms and nothing ever happened i think your dog will be fine and i hope you and your dog enjoy yourselves.

  25. Contrary to belief a small amount of chocolate is NOT toxic to dogs or cats... My ex brother in law use to feed his dog chocolate and she is fine,. My cat and my moms cat love rocky road ice cream and they are healthy.. Think of it this way.. If a dog is a scavenger they will eat anything including chocolate and they will not die.

    Just like the myth that lettuce is toxic for bunnies.. Mine came from a shelter and they fed him lettuce and so do I he loves it...

  26. Yeah, kidney damage happens over a period of time if its a small amount, so if it was only 10 m&m's he should be fine. Only large amounts require immediate attention.  

  27. Instead of taking your dog to the vet, call the vet and ask for their advice. its free and they will tell you the truth.

    I hope i helped.<3

  28. When I was about ten I gave my boston terrier 2 hershey kisses and it didn't affect him at all, If your dog is eating grass, let him/her do it for it helps with indigestion and it could possibly prevent the chocolate from getting into their system. I think you are smart to take him to the vet at first sign of any change.

  29. try to keep his water dish filled with water to keep him motivated to drink more. hopefully the m&m's will quickly flush out of his system. is he is acting fine, then maybe he's gonna be the future, keep those m&m's off his reach.

  30. he will prob be fine. m&ms are milk chocolate, which have a lower concentration of cocoa than other chocolates. my puppy ate three chocolate chip cookies and was fine. i looked it up and they have to eat a decent amount of chocolate to get sick. if it was a bittersweet chocolate or a chocolate with a high concentration of cocoa (you know...the fancy chocolate bars) then a smaller amount could be harmful.  so ya, he should be fine :)

  31. d**n, you gotta move fast! give him some Coke now to wash it down with! not pepsi, it gotta be coke, the real thing baby! just kidding. that tiny little bit of chocolate won't harm him, if it was going to affect him he already would have thrown them up. sheeit, my cat drinks beer, vodka, and eats pizza, and LOVES potato chips with dip. in moderation of course, since i can barely afford my own bad habits.
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