
MY Guinea Pig is peeing a pinkish reddish color?!?

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My Guinea Pig {S} (don't know which one) is peeing a pinkish reddish color what does this mean??





  1. you shouldnt rely on the internet to give you answers and try to fix this yourself. take you guinea pigs to the vet!!!!

  2. My piggy had the same problem.  There is blood in your piggy's urine.  This is considered an emergency situation, and you should call your vet NOW.   ***The reason you should consider it an emergency is because you don't know how long the blood has been there, so you should have it checked immediately.***

    ***The blood can be red, pink, or any shade of pink including coral-colored.  It is diluted coming through the bladder, which is why it isn't red.  Yellowish-white is normal; shades of pink indicate blood.***

    After you have made your appointment, separate your cavies to see which one has the problem (easier said than done, I know!).  Sometimes you can just take them out and put them in separate spots on the floor of your kitchen or bathroom, with white towels underneath them, and feed them.  The piggy of mine that had blood in her urine will pee whenever she has food.  Hopefully you will be as lucky :-)

    Take the one with the discolored pee to the vet.  THEY NEED TO BE CHECKED BY A VET.  Blood in the urine can be life-threatening, but is not always so.  A vet can tell you.  Possible reasons are:

    Urinary track or bladder infection (requires antibiotics)

    Bladder stones (may require x-ray)

    Uterus problem

    If you can't figure out which piggy is sick before your appointment time, take both/all, preferably in separate containers, with white bedding.  Worst case, the vet can extract urine via a syringe from all your piggies, and may be able to see which has the blood that way.  This does require a full bladder and of course costs more than if they pee on their own.

    If it is a urinary track or bladder infection, consider giving your cavies cranberry treats from Oxbow, once they have finished their antibiotics and are healthy.

    Good luck!  I hope all goes well.  Post back and let us know.

  3. i agree with the other person, separate them to find out wich one and take her to the vet right away!

  4. it isnt an emergency but they need to see a vet soon, it is a urine infection and if it goes untreated it will lead to bladder or kidney stones which will kill your pig. a simple dose of antibiotics will clear it up and maybe a better diet, consisting of foods less high in calcium such as dandelion leaves aswell as the hay/pellets they already have.


    try to divide your guinea pigs into separate places so you can find out exactly which guinea pig is bleeding!

    Once you find out immediatly take the guinea pig to the vet!!!

    Once you find out whats wrong with it please respond back to me because I would like to know if your piggie is okay!

    I want to know because 2 years ago when I didnt know much about guinea pigs the same thing happened to my female guinea pig I didnt get her to the vet quick enough and she died. I think she might have the same problem your piggie has now.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  6. AIDS.

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