

by Guest66016  |  earlier

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In order to better my life away from my husband I moved to Texas where my children are. We are not divorced and as of today no legal papers of separation or divorce are in proceedings. My husband and I both agreed to allow my children to go with my mother to the State of Texas from Arizona. I now have moved to Texas about 3 weeks ago, my children have been there for 2-1.2 months.

Now that I am here my husband is demanding me to bring the children back to Arizona and is suggesting that I have abducted my children and will file charges of parental abduction. How can that be if he was the one that gave the kids to my mother and because I am now here to straighten my life how is that parental abduction?

I will be keeping the kids with me, anyone out there with some advice that will help me understand better what I can do to keep these kids with me.




  1. Here in Texas we have a very dependable child protective services agency. You didn't say where in Tx.; so I can only tell you to look under Government offices-state in your local phone directory. Online access to state agencies can be accessed through or you can call the abuse hotline at 1-800-252-5400.

    Now for my advise, you really need to contact this agency BEFORE he files any bogus charges. People seeking assistance are always treated better than people that have a complaint filed against them.

    This state puts the welfare of those children first. Problems between you and your spouse are of no consequence, and must be decided in a court. If you seek assistance first, chances are your mother will be able to retain temporary custody at least until a court hearing is held.

    Good luck getting your life back together, and tell your children you love them every day!

  2. What is your custody agreement from the court? That is the only way to really determine if you are technically guilty of parental abduction.

  3. retain an attorney, a good one. (, they refer only the best). establish yourself in texas,job, get the kids in school, extra activities, playgroups, etc. your already there, its unlikely you will be made to bring them back and it doesnt sound like he has any actual proof that you "abducted" your children.

  4. get an attorney, file for custody of the children..with no custody being determined then you can run into some problems..

    yea he could get you to bring the children back since there is no custody determined through the courts..

    as far as him letting the kids go with your mother he could tell the court it was meant to b as a vacation...not a permanent thing...

    like i said...get an attorney...

    but there is no guarantee without going to court as to who will b awarded custody..

  5. tell evryone he is a child abuser if he is going to make up stuff about you why not abducting you ow kids is a federal ofense

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