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im not running away cause i just got a new room and i want a new camera and cell phone and remember i hate them and i dont wanna talk or see them ever again.... But i have to goto school and i have to eat...




  1. Whoa diva. Back. Up. Don't assume that they stole your life savings. With today's economy, sometimes they have to do that. Your not the one who's earning all that money. They are. Your whining about how you want a new camera and cell phone yet your parents are busting their butts to keep you safe. They probably just borrowed the money because they may very well be behind in bills and saw no way out. Would you rather live in the streets? Didn't think so.

  2. deal with it they might need it for bills or important stuff not new phones or cameras you should try to help them out my parents did the same to me like last year and i found out they needed to buy food cuz our kitchen was empty

  3. If it was in a joint account then it was not stolen. Sorry but that's pretty much the law. If they did do that they should be ashamed of themselves. My mother used to go up to my room and take my money I had hid as well as my cigarettes. Her excuse was it's in my house and that is not your room it's my room I can take whatever I d**n well please.

    Later when I got my own account and my settlement came in they tried to get me to put it in an account with them I was not so stupid as to do that.

  4. I also call you a diva

    saved money should be in a safe place ,like a bank or locked and hidden lock box { if you can carry it so can a thief}

  5. Having your life savings stolen stinks. My mom did it to me too when I was a kid. I would have understood if she told me that she needed the money. But instead she tried to convince me that somebody broke into the house and only stole the few hundred dollars in my dresser.

    If your parents are into drugs or something - you have every right to be angry and should find a place to hide any money you get in the future. But if your parents are providing you with a nice safe home, just talk to them about it and try to forgive them. They may have needed the money and been embarrassed to tell you. Or they may have wanted to ask but didn't think you would understand.

    Cameras and cell phones are important. But not important to hate your parents because of. I am sure that if you calm down and give them a chance, your parents will eventually make it up to you. And if not - when you grow up and move out, you can get a bank account in your own name and prevent them from ever doing that to you again.  

  6. That sucks big time. How much was your savings? That happened to one of my friends where we were just a teenager. Her dad used her money to gamble, and it wasn't little money either. Sad to say, you won't be getting your money back. But from now on, just don't tell your parents how much savings you have. And hide it from them as best as you can (i.e. not at bank, if they have access to your account).

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