
MY MOM is getting on mY CASE?

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Ok,,,SO im 14 and im trapped inside the house. Today I asked my mom to go the library and she sed NO because I cant be trusted. I have never done anything to her to make her lose my trust. She over exxagerates too much and the only wrong thing I did was use my cell phone at night. That was last august and I still havent gotten it back yet. And She keeps saying that I cant be trusted. SHe is getting on mii nerves and Im getting sick,. Its up2 the point where I cant wait until im 18 so i can get the h**l out. I dnt get it Im a gud student always getting A's and Not like any of thses hoodrats in the city. IDK why or how but I need a way to tell her hop off mii $h!+ and give me space to breath. Anyone has any advice????




  1. Tell her your feelings.

  2. Hi there. I am a mom of 4 all grown and 3 grandchildren. I have to say that unless your mom is going through the change, mentally ill, or had a recent trauma, she would not do that for no reason. There has to be some reason for her behavior. I think it is great that you are getting good grades and not involved in wasting your life and time with such people as hood rats who will amount to nothing and end up in jail unless they change their ways.

    The thing is that you must have done something or she is going through something you do not know about. Where is dad in all of this? Is she separated or divorced? Did she just find out that he is having an affair? Something would trigger this behavior. She may be hurting too. She can't be too bad if she raised a great daughter like you!

    I suggest you let her see this message. Tell her first that you know there has been a lot of tension between the two of you lately and you would like that to change. Tell her you would like to sit and talk it through and do so WITHOUT yelling, (even if she does), NO cursing, even if she does, which hopefully she doesn't.

    Ask her why she feels that you cannot be trusted. Ask her what you did to make her feel that way. Ask her if something is going on in her life to make her feel stressed, that you care about her.

    Also, make sure that the phone bill is not a stress. Many single parents, if she is one, don't want the child to know, but finances may be tight. It may not rally be about the phone at night as much as the phone bill.

    Lastly, stay calm and try to work it out. Give and take. It is not as much about being right as it is about being happy and content. You both need to talk and come to a comprimise.

    Let her know that you want to work it out and do not press the cell phone thing for now. When she tells you that you cannot do something, trust her, don't argue. It only makes things worse. Wait until the situation calms down and find out why  calmly. Tell her that you are not questioning her authority but that you would like to know why she cannot do something. If it makes sense, tell her I may not agree but I do understand.

    God bless and good luck!

  3. Did your mom tell you not to talk on your cell phone during certain hours? If she did, then you broke her rule. That is no different than breaking the law. You have to pay for your wrong doings. Sit down with her and ask her how can you gain her trust.

  4. you may say that you cant wait until you are 18 now but it's not all its made out to be when you get there. I was the same way, you just need to sit you mom down and tell her how you feel.

  5. Well, try being polite and respectful, and make sure you are doing things to show her you are trustworthy. Keep your room clean, help with chores...etc. She will have to come around.

  6. no offense  but it sounds like u have an atttitude and u still broke a rule.  i wouldnt let my 14 year old go nowhere with that kind of attitude.  ur only 14 not 18. deal with it

  7. you should try talking to her and asking her why you cant be trusted and if it is about the phone then just tell her that it was a long time ago and you dont think the punishment is fair!

    well good luck :]

  8. um, well help around the house, etc. so she will have no reason to take anything from you, and when you're going out make sure it's organised, and ask her if you can bring you're phone to contact her.

    Hope this helps a bit! =]

  9. Most parents who are THAT over-protected force their kids to rebel against them. Maybe tell her that? But she really sounds like a stick in the mud.

  10. mom, i dont know why you dont trust me. i have done nothing to loose any trust. i'm a person, mom, and i need some freedom. please let me live and have fun, and please give me my cell phone back.

    i'd suggest using manors and that, if you want, you can even use it word for word. good luck.

  11. First, I'm surprised you are an A student with grammar and English like that. Second, if you are doing well and really haven't done anything to lose trust, then I would ask your mom what you needed to do in order to gain her trust back because she is being unreasonable and the more she holds you in the more you want to rebel and that you need to come to a middle ground.


    say "mom, Idk y u keep treating me like this. What did I do wrong?"

  13. My major suggestion, use proper English here, you are not texting now.

  14. By the phrasing of your question here, then I'm siding with your mom.

  15. All you can do is act mature when she gets on your nerves and act like an adult. Continue to try and gain her trust more by doing everything you know you should, and helping with housework when she doesn't ask you to couldnt' hurt either. She should begin to give you more priveleges.

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