
MY Poem please tell me what you think. please critique?

by  |  earlier

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Laying in my bed counting the sheep

trying to shave them as they go by so i can sleep

I lost count because I don't know any numbers

I started thinking of my ex instead that likes cucumbers

oh how I hate her.

So I started masturbating instead I'm such a masturbater.

Then I finnaly feel asleep

then I heard a car beep and woke up again

yay it was morning.




  1. It suxed I'm gonna hit you witha hamster for makingme read it

  2. Your totaly very interesting

  3. umm i would make some improvments. like

    laying my my bed counting the sheep

    *one by one. its hard to fall asleep

    *i lost coun t because i forgotten the numbers

    *i thought of my ex, that kept me from slumber

    then i fell asleep

    *i heard my alarm clock beep

    yay it was morning

    idk thats what i would do but i kinda like the idea of it

  4. You can take us a better poem. I know it.

  5. honestly.....

  6. This one is significantly worse than the last.

  7. DRUGZ?

  8. You know it isn't good, you want a reaction-Looks like you got one. I don't claim to be a great poet but I think I can say will all certainty that this is really bad

  9. slightly weird, but that can sometimes be a good thing.

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